• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
Editorial Review
AIDS 2019, 33:1411–1420
In this report, we describe early childhood trauma and its effects, offer promising strategies for ECE programs and systems to help young children who have experienced trauma, and present recommendations for state policymakers and other stakeholders looking to support trauma-informed ECE for this vu...lnerable group.
Purpose of review: We review recent evidence regarding risk factors for childhood posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and treatment outcome studies from 2010 to 2012 including dissemination studies, early intervention studies and studies involving preschool children.
BMC Medicine (2015) 13:42 DOI 10.1186/s12916-014-0263-6
PLoS ONE 7(12): e52986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052986. Opern Access please download from the website
This Review summarizes many of the persistent biological alterations associated with childhood maltreatment including changes in neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter systems and pro-inflammatory cytokines in addition to specific alterations in brain areas associated with mood regulation. Finally, I d...iscuss several candidate gene polymorphisms that interact with childhood maltreatment to modulate vulnerability to major depression and PTSD and epigenetic mechanisms thought to transduce environmental stressors into disease vulnerability.
Neuron Review, vol. 89, March 2, 2016 pp.892-909
Recommandations francaises pour la prise enc harge du chikungunya
Médecine e tmaladies infectieuses 45(2015)243–263