These guidelines provide a recommendation on iodine thyroid blocking (ITB), via oral administration of stable iodine, as an urgent protective action in responding to a nuclear accident. This recommendation aims to support emergency planners, policy makers, public health specialists, clinicians and o...ther relevant stakeholders, in order to strengthen public health preparedness for radiation emergencies in WHO Member States as required by the International Health Regulations (IHR) and in line with the international safety standards (GSR Part 7). The scope of the guidelines is confined to public health aspects of planning and implementation of ITB before and during a radiation emergency, such as dosage and timing of ITB administration, adverse effects of stable iodine, its packaging, storage, and distribution.
These guidelines supersede the 1999 WHO Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents.
In case of resistance to rifampicin, fluoroquinolones become the preferred category of second-line drugs. Unfortunately, quinolone-resistant strains of Mycobacterium leprae have also been reported in several countries, probably due to the extensive use of quinolones for treating several types of inf...ections. Clofazimine resistance is still rare but this antimicrobial cannot be given alone
Shoman et al. Globalization and Health (2017) 13:1 DOI 10.1186/s12992-016-0224-2
In 2015, 5.9 million children under age five died (1). The major causes of child deaths globally are pneumonia, prematurity, intrapartum-related complications, neonatal sepsis, congenital anomalies, diarrhoea, injuries and malaria (2). Most of these diseases and conditions are at least partially cau...sed by the environment. It was estimated in 2012 that 26% of childhood deaths and 25% of the total disease burden in children under five could be prevented through the reduction of environmental risks such as air pollution, unsafe water, sanitation and inadequate hygiene or chemicals.
En 2015, murieron 5,9 millones de niños menores de cinco años (1). Las principales causas de muerte en los niños a nivel mundial son la neumonía, la prematuridad, las complicaciones durante el parto, la sepsis neonatal, las anomalías congénitas, las enfermedades diarreicas, las lesiones ...y la malaria (2). La mayoría de estas enfermedades y condiciones son provocadas al menos en parte por el medio ambiente.
En 2015, 5,9 millions d'enfants de moins de cinq ans sont décédés (1). Les principales causes de mortalité infantile dans le monde sont la pneumonie, la prématurité, les complications durant l'accouchement, la septicémie néonatale, les anomalies congénitales, la diarrhée, les tra...umatismes accidentels et le paludisme (2). La plupart de ces maladies et de ces problèmes sont, du moins en partie, causés par l'environnement. On a estimé en 2012 que 26 % des décès infantiles et 25 % de la charge totale de morbidité des enfants de moins de cinq ans pourraient être évités par la réduction des risques environnement aux tels que la pollution de l'air, l'insalubrité de l'eau, les mauvaises conditions d'hygiène et d'assainissement ou les produits chimiques.
Module 1
July 2017
Module 1: Clinical. This module is for clinicians, including physicians, nurses and clinical officers. It gives an overview of how to provide PrEP safely and effectively, including: screening for substantial risk of HIV; performing appropriate testing before initi...ating someone on PrEP and while the person is taking PrEP; and how to follow up PrEP users and offer counselling on issues such as adherence.
In this report, we describe early childhood trauma and its effects, offer promising strategies for ECE programs and systems to help young children who have experienced trauma, and present recommendations for state policymakers and other stakeholders looking to support trauma-informed ECE for this vu...lnerable group.
Technical Brief
July 2017
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Esophageal Cancer | This consensus document on management of esophageal cancers
summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and research questions. It a...lso interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
The END TB Strategy
Интеграция совместного оказания услуг в связи с ТБ и ВИЧ во всеобъемлющий пакет помощи для потребителей инъекционных наркотиков
Rueda S, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011453. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011453
Globalization and Health201612:53 DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0194-4
This Rapid Advice Guideline updates the Interim Guidance on the “Assessment of infants with microcephaly in the context of Zika virus” published in February 2016 (WHO/ZIKV/MOC/16.3). The recommendations provides guidance on the screening, clinical assessment, neuroimaging, laboratory investigati...on and follow-up of children born to women living in areas of Zika virus transmission. The Guideline summarises the evidence base and rationale in support of the recommendations and expands the scope to address complications beyond microcephaly and what is now referred to as the congenital Zika virus syndrome
Updated 22 august 2016. This document aims to provide interim guidance on the case definition of GBS and strategies to manage the syndrome, in the context of Zika virus and its potential association with GBS. This document is intended to inform the development of local clinical protocols and health ...policies related to the care of patients with GBS
UNAIDS 2016, Reference
HIV care and support taking into account the 2016 WHO consolidated guidelines