dos Santos et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:80
Ce document présente des recommandations sur les soins cliniques et le dépistage du virus chez les survivants de la maladie à virus Ebola. Il s'adresse principalement aux professionnels de santé qui dispensent des soins primaires aux personnes ayant survécu.
Table des matières
1. Introduction
2. Planifier le suivi d'un survivant
3. Séquelles courantes de la maladie à virus Ebola et recommandations pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge
4. Considérations pour les populations spéciales
5. Surveillance de l’infection due à la persistance du virus Ebola chez les survivants
6. Considérations sur la prévention et le contrôle de l’infection chez les survivants
7. Considérations relatives à la communication des risques
Tuberculosis cases, TB deaths
This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high-risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing.
Orientations pour faire face à une infodémie mondiale et favoriser la demande de vaccination
Décembre 2020
La désinformation menace le succès des programmes de vaccination dans le monde entier. Ce guide vise à aider les organisations à faire face à l'infodémie mondiale par l'élaboration plans d'action nationaux stratégiques et bien coordonnés pour contrer rapidement la désinformation sur les vaccins et créer une demande de vaccination qui soit fondée sur l'écoute sociale.
30/03/2020 (V1) 06/04/2020 (V2)
Selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), la COVID-19 est la maladie infectieuse causée par le dernier coronavirus qui a été découvert. Ce nouveau virus était inconnu avant l’apparition de la flambée à Wuhan en Chine en décembre 2019.
Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 4).
Patel V, Chisholm D, Dua T, et al., editors.
Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2016 Mar 14.
The integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD)
This revision covers the main non-communicable diseases in Mozambique as well as the National Strategic Plan's aim to create a positive environment to minimize or eliminate the exposure to risk factors and guarantee access to care.
The achievable imperative for global progress
Harmonising proven strategies beyond the emergency phase. Zero Hunger Phase 2
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2010, 4, 33-37
A report submitted to the International Labour Organization, Geneva
The 2018 global health financing report presents health spending data for all WHO Member States between 2000 and 2016 based on the SHA 2011 methodology. It shows a transformation trajectory for the global spending on health, with increasing domestic public funding and declining external financing. T...his report also presents, for the first time, spending on primary health care and specific diseases and looks closely at the relationship between spending and service coverage
The African Development Bank has launched a consultation process with health ministers and other partners as it develops a strategy to drive enhanced access to health services across Africa through 2030.
Input from ministers in the Bank’s 54 regional member countries, development partners and c...ivil society is expected to strengthen the Bank’s Strategy for Quality Health Infrastructure in Africa (2021-2030). A robust scoping study titled “Good Health and Well-being” underpins the strategy.
This document provides training and guidance on the key standards related to the physical and social environment within mental health and related services that need to be met to promote good outcomes, independent living and community inclusion.