A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available: https://ifmsa.org/social-acc...ountability/
If you notice changes in the person’s mood, behaviour, energy levels, habits or
personality, you should consider depression as a possible reason for these changes.
However, you should not attempt to diagnose the person with depression, as only a
trained professional can do this. Do not ignore t...he symptoms you have noticed or
assume that they will just go away
In Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Mental illness can affect not only the life of the person with the illness, but also their close family, partners
and friends. Significant people in a person’s life are often a source of support with the illness.
However, family, partners and friends may be faced with a loved one’s men...tal illness without much
information on ways to deal with it and its impact on their life.
NOTE: This guide is NOT a replacement for medical advice and we strongly recommend that you or the person you care
for discuss issues related to treatment with a clinician.
This manual is a resource for Health Counselors working in Family Physician Clinics (FPC) as part of the MANAS program. This program is for common mental disorders like depression and anxiety seen in primary health care facilitieslike the FPC; since depression is the common...est disorder within this group of stress related mental health problems, in the manual we refer to these problems simply as ‘Depression’. The aim of the MANAS program is to integrate the recognition and treatment of Depression into routine primary health care.In the MANAS program, a range of effective treatments will be provided for patients with Depression. These treatments are matched to the individual requirements of patients to both improve the effectiveness of the treatments and to use the limited resources efficiently.
The Committee examined the clinical development of Ebola virus vaccines and conducted an inventory of available data on their safety. It also reviewed 3 generic issues: updating a global strategy on vaccine safety, use of a network of distributed data ... to monitor the safety of vaccines and case studies of communication about the safety of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.
Weekly epidemiological record/Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 12 JULY 2019, 94th YEAR / 12 JUILLET 2019, 94e ANNÉENo 28, 2019, 94, 309–316
Top 10 hungriest countries contribute just 0.08% of global CO2.
-Climate & Food Vulnerability Index shows 10 most food insecure countries emit less than half a tonne of CO2 per person
-Burundi is the world's most food insecure and smallest per capita emitter
-The average Briton gener...ates as much CO2 as 212 Burundians
-IPCC blockers Russia, USA and Saudi some of the worst offenders
As scientists of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change meet in Geneva this week to publish their Special Report on Climate Change and Land (August 8), a new report by the development charity Christian Aid shows that climate change is having a disproportionate impact on the food systems of the country’s least responsible for causing the climate crisis.
The IPCC is expected to show how climate change will affect global food supply, spiking prices and reducing nutrition. It is also likely to recommend that countries will need to drastically cut emissions if global food security is to be protected.
Analysis of survey data looking at 25 years of progress in and the future challenges for tropical medicine and global health
This Guide provides practical guidance for governments regarding how to effectively communicate with communities during the recovery phase following an emergency. It explains how to identify communication needs, and presents “best fit” communication methods and strategies to deploy to support Di...saster Recovery Frameworks (DRF) and recovery strategies.
The Guide is divided into six sections, as follows:
SECTION 1 Good Practice Principles for Effective Communication
SECTION 2 Barriers to Effective Communication
SECTION 3 How to Identify Communication Needs during Recovery
SECTION 4 Communication Methods for Recovery Planning and Operations
SECTION 5 Developing a Communication Plan
SECTION 6 Key Take-away Messages
The Trends and Developments report presents a top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Europe, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. Together with the online Statistical Bulletin and 30 Country Drug Reports, it makes up the 2019 European Drug ...Report package.
Available in different languages: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/edr/trends-developments/2019_en