The “Wuppertal Call” – Contributions and Recommendations from an
International Conference on Eco-Theology and Ethics of Sustainability
Wuppertal, Germany, 16 – 19 June 2019
Children without access to safe water are more likely to die in infancy -- and throughout childhood -- from diseases caused by
water-borne bacteria, to which their small bodies are more vulnerable.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a new Framework for Environmental and Social Management (FESM) to ensure that both people and the environment are protected from any potential impacts of FAO programmes and projects.
“This Framework ensures that our proj...ects do both “no harm” and support the transformation to more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable agrifood systems by upholding the highest international standards for risk management,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu explained during a virtual event.
The Framework, which includes key elements of a people-centered approach and establishes environmental and social performance requirements for FAO programming, is also intended to ensure that all stakeholders, including local and indigenous communities, have ample opportunities to actively participate in projects’ activities and to voice their concerns about them.
The PS Centre has released three publications addressing the need for MHPSS tools and guidance in Ukraine and surrounding countries.
The Introduction to Psychological First Aid, presents a training module on basic psychological first aid skills for people affected by the international armed confl...ict in Ukraine which can be delivered in four hours. It is an adaption of another PS Centre publication, Training in Psychological First Aid for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Module 1. An introduction to PFA.
The* Facilitator manual on community-based psychosocial support *and the* Volunteers manual on community-based psychosocial support* provides resources for trainers and participants in key aspects of psychosocial support, including understanding the impact of crisis events, supportive communication,... protection issues and self-care.
Despite the increasing uptake of information and communication technologies (ICT) within healthcare services across developing countries, community healthcare workers (CHWs) have limited knowledge to fully utilise computerised clinical systems and mobile apps. The ‘Introduction to Information and ...Communication Technology and eHealth’ course was developed with the aim to provide CHWs in Malawi, Africa, with basic knowledge and computer skills to use digital solutions in healthcare delivery. The course was delivered using a traditional and a blended learning approach.
L'application de la technologie de santé numérique se développe rapidement en Afrique, dans
le but d'améliorer la prestation des services de santé et d'atteindre plus efficacement les
communautés éloignées et mal desservies. D'autre part, l'absence de lignes directrices et de
normes da...ns l'ensemble du continent rend difficile le partage des données de manière
significative sur l'ensemble du continent. C'est pourquoi les Centres africains de contrôle et
de prévention des maladies (Africa CDC) ont mis en place un groupe de travail composé de 24
membres afin de fournir une expertise et des conseils pour l'élaboration des lignes directrices
et des normes de l'UA en matière de HIE. Les membres du groupe de travail étaient des
experts en la matière travaillant en Afrique et au niveau international sur la collecte, l'analyse
et l'échange d'informations sur la santé. Certains de ces experts avaient participé à des
consultations antérieures sur la définition de la stratégie des systèmes d'information sur la
santé d'Afrique CDC. Un président, un coprésident et un secrétaire ont été élus pour impliquer
les membres de la tasé force dans différents groupes de travail techniques.
1. Salvar vidas, proteger los medios de sustento y apoyar la recuperación de desastres y crisis
2. Posibilitar una vida sana y segura
3. Promover la inclusión social y una cultura de no violencia y la paz