This paper aims to contribute to the reflection on effective practices to address protracted displacement, in support of the GP20 Plan of Action roll-out. It expands on the research conducted by Walter Kälin and Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat for the 2017 OCHA-commissioned study Breaking the Impasse: Re...ducing Protracted Internal Displacement as a Collective Outcome.1 That study provided a comprehensive picture of the impact of protracted internal displacement, as well as five country case studies in contexts of conflict and disasters.It also offered a road map for addressing such displacement through seven steps, including conducting joint analysis and defining collective outcomes.
Principles and Target Product Criteria. Roadmap January 12, 2015
The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective. The indicators in the compendium are all either part of existing indicators used i...n studies or by countries or have been adapted from existing indicators to address the intersection of gender and HIV. The indicators can be measured through existing data collection and information systems (e.g. routine program monitoring, surveys) in most country contexts, though some may require special studies or research.
The purpose of this study was to document a technical assessment of a sample of these existing shelters on their functionality, accessibility, operation and management, community perspectives in Myanmar; identify gaps, needs and further the linkages with community-based disaster risk reduction (CDBR...R) activities. The study also aims at a wider assessment: looking at broader recovery in terms of shelter and livelihood aspects with clear linkages and strategic direction for future cyclone shelter support activities.
No publication year indicated.
Recomendaciones para un enfoque de salud pública
Segunda edición 2016
Adapted from well-established decision-making concepts and honed through practical application in resource-limited settings, the AFP Advocacy Portfolio includes:
1. Advocate for Family Planning, an introduction to AFP’s approach.
2. Develop a Strategy, featuring a tool to understand your context... and AFP SMART: A Guide to Quick Wins, our 9-step approach to developing a focused, collaborative advocacy strategy that leads to quick wins.
3. Implement a Plan, tools to monitor your impact and make your case to decision makers.
4. Capture Results, with the AFP Results Cascade: A User’s Guide, a monitoring and evaluation tool that provides instructions to track a quick win or series of quick wins to long-term impact, and case study writing guidance.
The purpose of this booklet is to help readers understand why data on children with disabilities are currently inadequate, the difficulties that surround the gathering of high-quality data on disabled children, and why there is a real need to improve the collection, analysis, dissemination... and use of disability data.
La communication sur les risques est un aspect à part entière des interventions d’urgence. Il s’agit de l’échange en temps réel d’informations, de conseils et d’avis entre les experts, les responsables communautaires, les décideurs politiques et les populations en situation de risque.... Lors d’une épidémie, d’une pandémie, d’une crise humanitaire ou d’une catastrophe naturelle, une communication sur les risques efficace permet aux populations les plus exposées de comprendre les comportements à adopter pour se protéger. Ainsi, les autorités et les experts peuvent être à l’écoute des inquiétudes et des besoins, chercher à y répondre et faire en sorte que leurs conseils soient pertinents, fiables et recevables
This report has been developed, based on data provided by the TB & ORD surveillance system from across Rwanda. It provides a comprehensive picture of the occurrence and management of TB & ORD and Leprosy in Rwanda. It is structured based on the 2013-2018 Rwanda TB national strategic plan (2013-2018 ...TB NSP) and on the 2014-2018 Rwanda Leprosy national strategic plan (2014-2018 Leprosy NSP).
Опубліковані результати дослідження, проведеного з метою визначення основних проблем, пов’язаних з реабілітацією/ресоціалізацією наркозалежних та можливостю з...лучати підлітків 14–17 років до таких програм. Для визначення основних напрямів розвитку центрів реабілітації/ресоціалізації в Україні аналізувався міжнародний досвід країн та їхні підходи до вирішення питань наркоманії; було переглянуто нормативно9правові документи, що стосуються проблем реабілітації і ресоціалізації, а також статистичні дані національного рівня.
Large size: 27 MB. Download directly from the website:
Child friendly spaces (CFS) are safe spaces where
communities create nurturing environments in which
children can access free and structured play and
learning activities. CFS, also commonly referred to
as Child Centred Spaces or Safe Spaces for Children,
may provide educational and psychosocial... support
and other activities that restore a sense of normality
and continuity for children whose lives have been
disrupted by war, natural disaster or other emergency