Guiding framework for development cooperation, Working paper 2017.
This document was drawn up on the basis of expert publications and inputs from partners in the
GIZ regional programme Psychosocial Support for Syrian and Iraqi Refugees and Internally
Displaced People1 in order to serve as guidanc...e in the design, implementation and assessment of
psychosocial support measures for refugees in the context of the crises in Syria and Iraq. It is
aimed at actors from the MHPSS sector working with refugees in the Middle East and at ministries
and academic/scientific institutions in the context of the Syria and Iraq crises.more
Enfrentando la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los países en desarrollo.
Rev Neuropsiquiatr 80 (2), 2017 (P. 105-110)
Recibido: 03/02/2017 Aceptado: 12/06/2017
Includes a Special Report on the Financial and Personal Benefits of Early Diagnosis
2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures is a statistical resource for U.S. data related to Alzheimer’s disease,
the most common cause of dementia. Background and context for interpretating the data are con...tained in
the Overview. Additional sections address prevalence, mortality and morbidity, caregiving and use and costs of health care and services. A Special Report discusses the financial and personal benefits of diagnosing earlier in the disease process, in the stage of mild cognitive impairment.more
Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper 1 (Debates). This paper was prepared for the launch of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) by its secretariat based at WHO in Geneva. It was discussed by the Commissioners and then revised considering their input.
It is recommended that egg based quadrivalent vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the following:
an A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
an A(H3N2) virus to be announced on 21 March 2019*;
a B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/...2/87 lineage); and
a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage).
It is recommended that the influenza B virus component of trivalent vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season be a B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus of the B/Victoria/2/87-lineage.
* In light of recent changes in the proportions of genetically and antigenically diverse A(H3N2) viruses, the recommendation for the A(H3N2) component has been postponed. more
BMJ 2009; 338 doi: (Published 05 February 2009)
Cite this as: BMJ 2009;338:b158
Correspondence to: A Burns
This guidance highlights tangible, evidence-based priority actions in health and WASH programs to achieve the Global Targets for nutrition. Throughout the guidance the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration within and outside the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to holistically address nutrition emphasised.more