The progressive development of peoples is an object of deep interest and concern to the Church. This is particularly true in the case of those peoples who are trying to escape the ravages of hunger, poverty, endemic disease and ignorance; of those who are seeking a larger share in the benefits of ci...vilization and a more active improvement of their human qualities; of those who are consciously striving for fuller growth.
Benchmarking is a strategic process often used by businesses and institutes to standardize performance in relation to the best practices of their sector. The World Health Organization (WHO) and partners have developed a tool with a list of benchmarks and corresponding suggested actions that can be a...pplied to implement the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) and strengthen health emergency prevention, preparedness, response and resilience capacities.
The first edition of the benchmarks was published in 2019 to support countries in developing, implementing and documenting progress of national IHR or health security plans (e.g. national action plan for health security (NAPHS), national action plan for emerging infectious diseases, public health emergencies and health security and other country level plans for health emergencies). The tool has been updated to incorporate lessons from COVID-19 and other health emergencies, to align with the updated IHR monitoring & evaluation framework (IHR MEF) tools and the health systems for health security framework, and to support strengthening health emergency prevention, preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR) capacities and the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative.
Multizentrische Analyse des Erkrankungsspektrums und der Versorgungsqualität anhand dezentralisierter Routinedaten des Verbunds PriCarenet
Health Equity Studies & Migration Report Series 2021-03
Les infections au SRAS-CoV-2 chez les enfants et les adolescents provoquent une maladie moins grave et moins de décès que chez les adultes. Bien qu'une évolution moins grave de l'infection soit un résultat positif, on s'inquiète du fait que des symptômes légers aient pu conduire à moins de t...ests, ce qui a entraîné un nombre moins important de cas identifiés de COVID-19 chez les enfants. Si les enfants présentant des symptômes légers ou inexistants transmettent la maladie, ils peuvent agir comme des vecteurs de transmission au sein de leur communauté. Il est essentiel de comprendre les symptômes, l'infectivité et les modes de transmission du SRAS-CoV-2 chez les enfants et les adolescents pour développer, adapter et améliorer les mesures de contrôle du COVID-19 à tous les âges. Ce document est un résumé des connaissances actuelles concernant l'acquisition et la transmission de l'infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 et les symptômes de la maladie COVID-19 chez les enfants et les adolescents. Il vise à éclairer les décisions, en fonction des contextes locaux, sur la meilleure façon de maintenir ouvertes les écoles, les jardins d'enfants et les crèches et sur les conseils à appliquer en matière de mixité intergénérationnelle.
SARS-CoV-2 infections among children and adolescents cause less severe illness and fewer deaths compared to adults. While a less severe course of infection is a positive outcome, there are concerns that mild symptoms may have led to less testing, resulting in fewer identified cases of COVID-19 in ch...ildren. If children with mild or no symptoms transmit the disease, they may act as drivers of transmission within their communities. Understanding symptoms, infectivity and patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children and adolescents is essential for developing, adapting and improving control measures for COVID-19 across all ages. This is a summary of the current knowledge around SARS-CoV-2 infection acquisition and transmission and COVID-19 disease symptoms in children and adolescents. It aims to inform decisions, based on local contexts, on how to best keep schools, kindergarten and day-care facilities open and what advice to apply to intergenerational mixing.
This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). The country profile
synthesizes most relevant data and information on climate change, disaster risk reduction, and adaptation actions and policies
at the country level. The country profile se...ries are designed as a quick reference source for development practitioners to better
integrate climate resilience in development planning and policy making.
This guide is intended to support national governments developing their national deployment and vaccination plans (NDVPs) for COVID-19 vaccines by outlining the roles, needs and opportunities for community health workers (CHWs) to contribute. This note builds on and is structured to align with the G...uidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines. By providing CHW-relevant considerations for the VIRAT Tool, this document aims to support national governments in developing robust NDVPs for introducing COVID-19 vaccine(s) that leverage all the community-based deployment, implementation and monitoring tools at their disposal.
Geflüchtete Menschen in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen werden in bevölkerungsbezogenen Erhebungen, Routinedaten und amtlichen Statistiken bislang unzureichend berücksichtigt. Im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens „Surveillance der Gesundheit und primärmedizinischen Versorgung von Asylsuch...enden in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen“ (PriCare) wurde daher ein Ansatz für ein Gesundheitsmonitoring durch Sekundärnutzung medizinischer Routinedaten in den Ambulanzen der Aufnahmeeinrichtungen für geflüchtete Menschen entwickelt. Hierzu wurde eine Dokumentationssoftware (Refugee Care Manager, RefCare©) zur Digitalisierung und Harmonisierung der Primärdokumentation entwickelt und in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen dreier Bundesländer implementiert. Der Ansatz des verteilten Rechnens in einem Surveillancenetzwerk ermöglicht durch dezentrale aber harmonisierte Analysen, die datenschutzkonforme Sekundärnutzung dieser medizinischen Routinedaten ohne zentrale Speicherung personenbezogener Informationen. Durch eine integrierte Monitoringfunktion können 64 Indikatoren zur Population, Morbidität sowie zu Versorgungsprozessen und -qualität routinemäßig und einrichtungsübergreifend ausgewertet werden. Der Beitrag beschreibt das konzeptionelle und praktische Vorgehen, das technische Verfahren sowie exemplarische Ergebnisse dieses Monitoringsystems.
SARS-CoV-2 infections among children and adolescents cause less severe illness and fewer deaths compared to adults. While a less severe course of infection is a positive outcome, there are concerns that mild symptoms may have led to less testing, resulting in fewer identified cases of COVID-19 in ch...ildren. If children with mild or no symptoms transmit the disease, they may act as drivers of transmission within their communities. Understanding symptoms, infectivity and patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children and adolescents is essential for developing, adapting and improving control measures for COVID-19 across all ages. This is a summary of the current knowledge around SARS-CoV-2 infection acquisition and transmission and COVID-19 disease symptoms in children and adolescents. It aims to inform decisions, based on local contexts, on how to best keep schools, kindergarten and day-care facilities open and what advice to apply to intergenerational mixing.
SARS-CoV-2 infections among children and adolescents cause less severe illness and fewer deaths compared to adults. While a less severe course of infection is a positive outcome, there are concerns that mild symptoms may have led to less testing, resulting in fewer identified cases of COVID-19 in ch...ildren. If children with mild or no symptoms transmit the disease, they may act as drivers of transmission within their communities. Understanding symptoms, infectivity and patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children and adolescents is essential for developing, adapting and improving control measures for COVID-19 across all ages. This is a summary of the current knowledge around SARS-CoV-2 infection acquisition and transmission and COVID-19 disease symptoms in children and adolescents. It aims to inform decisions, based on local contexts, on how to best keep schools, kindergarten and day-care facilities open and what advice to apply to intergenerational mixing.
The report examines how people with mental health conditions are often shackled by families in their own homes or in overcrowded and unsanitary institutions, against their will, due to widespread stigma and a lack of mental health services.
Many are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in t...he same tiny area. In state-run or private institutions, as well as traditional or religious healing centers, they are often forced to fast, take medications or herbal concoctions, and face physical and sexual violence. The report includes field research and testimonies from Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Palestine, the self-declared independent state of Somaliland, South Sudan, and Yemen.
Kuruluşlararası Daimî Komite (IASC) Acil Durumlarda Ruh Sağlığı ve Psikososyal Destek Referans Grubu
Once identified as vulnerable, applicants enjoy specific rights and safeguards in the asylum process under EU law. Vulnerability should therefore trigger additional or tailored support to ensure that people have the necessary conditions to bring forward a claim for protection.
Die Pflegetipps der Deutschen Palliativstiftung enthalten das Rüstzeug zur Versorgung von pflegebedürftigen Menschen, die an einer nicht heilbaren Krankheit leiden. 16. Auflage
guide for palliative care, available in english, serbian, dutch, croatian, russian, turkish, romanian, slovenian,, portugüse, spanish, czech, italian and bilingual german - arabic/polish/english/slovakian/czech/turkish
with recommended essential medicines for common diseases in patients in Stockholm County Council (Healthcare Region), Sweden
As of 6:00 PM, 21 November 2013, 4,011 individuals were reported dead, 18,567 injured and 1,602 are still missing
des Deutschen Zentralkomitees zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose (DZK) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP)
Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Nontuberculous Mycobacterioses of the German Central Committee against Tuberculosis and the German Respirator...y Society
Pneumologie 2013; 67: 605–633