La silla de ruedas es uno de los medios de asistencia de uso más frecuente para mejorar la movilidad personal, condición previa para disfrutar de los derechos humanos y una vida digna, y ayuda a las personas con discapacidad a convertirse en miembros más productivos de sus comunidades. Para mucho...s, una silla de ruedas adecuada, bien diseñada y armada puede constituir el primer paso hacia la inclusión y participación en la sociedad.
Este documento ha sido publicado con el fin de ayudar a los Estados Miembros de la OMS a crear y desarrollar un sistema local de suministro de sillas de ruedas y poner así en ejecución los Artículos 4, 20 y 26 de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con discapacidad.
This technical note describes medical certification of cause of death and classification (International Classification of Diseases [ICD] mortality coding) of deaths related to COVID-19. The primary goal is to identify all deaths due to COVID-19 in all countries, including those not yet following WHO... international norms and standards for medical certificates of cause of death and ICD mortality coding.
The second edition of the joint WHO, WIPO and WTO
publication “Promoting Access to Medical Technologies
and Innovation: Intersections between public health,
intellectual property and trade” (the Trilateral Study),*
published in 2020, included a special insert the
challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in relation
to the integrated health, trade and IP policy framework set
out in the study. The Trilateral Study and the special insert
were designed to serve as background reference for policy-
makers in the widest sense – lawmakers, government
officials, delegates to international organizations, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers
who seek a comprehensive presentation of the full range
of issues, including institutions and legal concepts with
which they may be unfamiliar. It is also designed to serve
as a factual resource for the three organizations’ technical
cooperation activities.
This update revises the information contained in that
insert in the light of more recent developments as of
30 August 2021. Further updates will be made to reflect
subsequent developments.
Summary of current WHO recommendations and guidance on programmatic approaches
Road safety is an issue that does not receive anywhere near the attention it deserves – and it really is one
of our great opportunities to save lives around the world
This position paper on polio vaccines replaces the 2016 WHO position paper, and summarizes recent developments in the field.
Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak Response Plan in West Africa Annex 3
Standard Operating Procedures for Procurement in the Public Health Sector. Updated 2006.
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Impact Reduction for Injecting Narcotics Drug Users
NAPZA : Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya (Narcotics, Psychotropic and Other Addictive Substances)