Evidence-based guidelines are one of the most useful tools for improving public health and clinical practice. Their purpose is to formulate interventions based on strong evidence of efficacy, avoid unnecessary risks, use resources efficiently, reduce clinical variability and, in essence, improve hea...lth and ensure quality care, which is the purpose of health systems and services. These guidelines were developed following the GRADE methodology, with the support of a panel of clinical experts from different countries, all convened by the Pan American Health Organization. By responding to twelve key questions about the clinical diagnosis and treatment of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, evidence-based recommendations were formulated for pediatric, youth, adult, older adult, and pregnant patients who are exposed to these diseases or have a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of infection. The purpose of the guidelines is to prevent progression to severe forms of these diseases and the fatal events they may cause. The recommendations are intended for health professionals, including general, resident, and specialist physicians, nursing professionals, and medical and nursing students, who participate in caring for patients with suspected dengue, chikungunya, or Zika. They are also intended for health unit managers and the executive teams of national arboviral disease prevention and control programs, who are responsible for facilitating the process of implementing these guidelines.
La pratique infirmière avancée (PIA), telle qu’évoquée dans le présent document, se réfère aux services et
aux interventions de santé renforcés et étendus, assurés par des infirmières qui, grâce à des compétences avancées, influent sur les résultats des soins de santé cliniques ...et dispensent des services de santé directs à la personne, aux familles et aux collectivités (CNA, 2019; Hamric et Tracy, 2019). Une infirmière de pratique avancée (IPA) a acquis, grâce à une formation complémentaire, une base de connaissances spécialisées, des capacités perfectionnées en matière de prise de décision et des compétences cliniques pour une pratique infirmière plus étendue, dont les caractéristiques dépendent du contexte dans lequel elle est accréditée
à exercer ses fonctions (CII, 2008a). L’infirmière clinicienne spécialisée (ICS) et l’infirmière praticienne (IP)
sont les deux catégories d’IPA les plus généralement
January 2020 to December 2021
In the kingdom of Bahrain, the national antibiotic committee will set the framework for the national response to AMR, especially bacterial resistance to antibiotics. It will be aligned with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance, and with standards and... guidelines from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
Meeting of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Strategic and Technical Advisory
Group’s Monitoring and Evaluation Subgroup on Disease-specific Indicators
Recommendations on the initiation and continuing use of nine common types of contraceptive methods are covered by the tool. In addition to looking at individual medical conditions or characteristics, users may also easily combine multiple conditions or characteristics and view the guidance on each c...ondition separately or in combination.
Les soins de la mère kangourou sont une méthode de soins des enfants prématurés. Cette méthode consiste à porter les nourrissons, généralement par la mère, avec un contact peau à peau. Ce guide est destiné aux professionnels de la santé responsables des soins aux nourrissons de faible po...ids de naissance et aux prématurés. Conçu pour être adapté aux conditions locales, il fournit des conseils sur la manière d'organiser les services au niveau de la référence et sur ce qui est nécessaire pour fournir des soins efficaces à la mère kangourou. Le guide comprend des conseils pratiques sur le moment et la manière d'appliquer au mieux la méthode de soins par la mère kangourou.
4th edition 2022 of the Handbook includes new WHO recommendations that expand contraceptive choices. Also, guidance on starting ongoing contraception following emergency contraception is provided.
Drawing on lessons from recent outbreaks, this new edition details tangible me...asures for frontline health workers to protect access to family planning services during emergencies, such as wider access to self-administered contraceptives and the use of digital technologies by providers. It also expands guidance for women and young people at high risk of HIV.
The QualityRights training and orientation modules have been developed to enhance the knowledge, skills and understanding of key stakeholders on how to promote the rights of people with psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive disabilities, improve the quality of services and support provided in the ...field of mental health and related areas, in line with international human rights standards, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the recovery approach.
mental health and related fields, in accordance with international human rights standards, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the recovery approach.
Clinical management handbook
The document explains why vector control is important in national programmes and describes the preparation of a tailor-made vector control plan for national programmes. It outlines entomological procedures for regular and specific vector control and how data should be analysed for better overall und...erstanding of filarial transmission and vectors. The document will also be useful for teaching personnel in lymphatic filariasis programmes about the use and value
of entomological procedures in overall epidemiological appraisal in the context of
Joint EUAA, IOM and OECD report provides new insights on displacement from and within Ukraine
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have published a Joint Report on profil...es, experiences, and aspirations of forcibly displaced people by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The Joint Report provides an in-depth study of the scale of displacement to EU countries and people seeking protection there, by building on initial findings derived from a June EUAA-OECD Survey.
3rd edition. Patient safety standards are critical for the establishment and assessment of patient safety programmes within hospitals. This third edition of the Patient safety assessment manual provides an updated set of standards and assessment criteria that reflect current best practice and WHO gu...idance. The manual will support the implementation of patient safety assessments and improvement programmes within hospitals as part of the Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Framework to ensure that patient safety is prioritized and facilities and staff implement best practices. The manual is a key tool for use by professional associations regulatory accrediting or oversight bodies and ministries of health to improve patient safety.
The project was developed by the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), in line with the Federation’s statement “a world in which students are equipped with knowledge, skills and value to take on health leadership roles locally and globally so to... shape a sustainable future”. This was supported by an ongoing and vital engagement from the World Health Organization (WHO) and their work the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness. The overall objective was to create a “all in one” type of resource to bring together climate change, health and youth advocacy.
PSY supporting material
• Person stories
• Case scenarios
• Role plays
• Multiple choice questions
• Video links