Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
USAID/Afghanistan’s $443 million investment in the Afghan Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSS) activity is one of the Agency’s largest single investments in sustainable rural water supply delivery. The project installed about 2,123 wells with hand pumps across Afghanistan from 2009–2...012. This report presents findings from a retrospective evaluation of a random selection of wells with hand pumps installed under the SWSS project.
This evaluation’s key purpose is to identify factors that support and hinder sustainable water service delivery in different contexts.
Infectious disease outbreaks are periods of
great uncertainty. Events unfold, resources
and capacities that are often limited
are stretched yet further, and decisions
for a public health response must be
made quickly, even though the evidence
for decision-making may be scant. In
such a... situation, public health officials,
policy-makers, funders, researchers, field
epidemiologists, first responders, national
ethics boards, health-care workers, and public
health practitioners need a moral compass
to guide them in their decision-making.
A companion to the Child Friendly Schools Manual
WASH in Schools aims to improve the health and learning performance of school-aged children – and, by extension, that of their families – by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation-related diseases. Every child friendly school r...equires appropriate WASH initiatives that keep the school environment clean and free of smells and inhibit the transmission of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.
The development of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools guidelines for TimorLeste is a landmark moment in our quest to make every school child-friendly – a place where every child can learn, play and grow with pride and dignity. The overarching goal is to improve health, boost education... achievement and promote gender equity in our schools.
The guidelines set clear levels of acceptable standards for water supply, provision of sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion in schools and provide a common framework and policy direction for all sub-sector actors. Therefore, all implementing agencies, managers, planners, architects, water and sanitation technicians, teaching staff, school directors, school boards, district WASH committees, local authorities and other relevant bodies should consult these guidelines, when making implementation plans.
The WHO/IWA document A practical guide to auditing water safety plans provides guidance on developing and implementing a WSP auditing scheme, covering such topics as the aim and role of auditing, auditor training and certification, audit criteria, audit timing and frequency and audit reportin...g. The guidance document includes examples, tips, tools and case studies from more than a dozen low-, middle-, and high-income countries, and it serves as a practical resource for policy makers, government bodies responsible for drinking-water regulation or surveillance and water suppliers implementing WSPs.
A two-week mission was conducted by WASH and quality UHC technical experts from WHO headquarters and supported by the WHO Ethiopia Country Office (WASH and health systems teams) in July 2016, to understand how change in WASH services and quality improvements have been implemented in Ethiopia at nati...onal, sub-national and facility levels; to document existing activities; and through the “joint lens” of quality UHC and WASH, to identify and seek to address key bottlenecks in specific areas including leadership, policy/financing, monitoring and evaluation, evidence application and facility improvements. Ethiopia has implemented a number of innovative and successful interventions.
This document highlights the key aspects of safe health-care waste management in order to guide policy-makers, practitioners and facility managers to improve such services in health-care facilities. It is based on the comprehensive WHO handbook Safe management of wastes from health-care activities (...WHO, 2014), and also takes into consideration relevant World Health Assembly resolutions, other UN documents and emerging global and national developments on water, sanitation and hygiene and infection prevention and control.
In order to maintain daily operations and patient care services, health care facilities need to develop an Emergency Water Supply Plan (EWSP) to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a total or partial interruption of the facilities’ normal water supply. Water supply interruption can be caused... by several types of events such as natural disaster, a failure of the community water system, construction damage or even an act of terrorism.
The planning guide provides a four step process for the development of an EWSP:
1. Assemble the appropriate EWSP Team and the necessary background documents for your facility;
2. Understand your water usage by performing a water use audit;
3. Analyze your emergency water supply alternatives; and
4. Develop and exercise your EWSP
A review of proactive risk assessment and risk management practices to ensure the safety of drinking-water
Based on information gathered from 118 countries representing every region of the globe, this report provides a picture of WSP uptake worldwide. It presents information on WSP implementati...on and the integration of WSPs into the policy environment. It also explores WSP benefits, challenges and future priorities.
Census Report Volume 4-K
The results of the 2014 Census collected only relates to four of the six types of disability domains recommended by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, namely: seeing, hearing, walking, and remembering or concentrating.
Out of a total of 50.3 million pe...rsons enumerated in the 2014 Census, there were 2.3 million persons (4.6 per cent of the total population) who reported some degree of difficulty with either one or more of the four functional domains. Of this number, over half a million (representing over 1 per cent of the population as a whole) reported having a lot of difficulty or could not do one or more of the four activities at all (referred to as severe disability). Among those with the severest degree of disability, 55 thousand were blind, 43 thousand were deaf, 99 thousand could not walk at all and 90 thousand did not have the capability to remember or concentrate.
The Census shows that disability is predominantly an old age phenomenon with its prevalence remaining low up to a certain age, after which rates increase substantially.
Census Report Volume 4-L
Myanmar’s 2014 Census enumerated 4.5 million people aged 60 and over and by 2050 Myanmar is projected to have 13 million people in this age group.
Myanmar’s population has aged between 1973 and 2014; while the total population increased at an annual rate of 1....4 per cent, the population aged 60 and over increased annually by 2.4 per cent. Within the older population, the oldest age group, those over 80 years old, has been growing much faster than those aged 60-79. In 2014, the urban population was slightly older than the rural population. This is the result of a more rapid decline in urban fertility, offset by net migration to urban areas by youth and young adults.
Ensuring reproductive rights for all
Together we can Prevent and Control the World's Most Common Diseases
Objectives of the training manual
(1) To improve knowledge of NCD trends, burdens, as well as systems for management and monitoring of NCD services for Township Medical Officers (TMOs), Township Public Health Officers (TP...HOs), Medical Officers (MOs). The manual can also be used for training of Basic Health staff (BHS), TMOs, TPHOs and MOs,
(2) To equip trainers to train BHS to conduct PEN protocols at the primary care level health centers,
(3) To equip trainers to train in processes to conduct PEN scaling up monitoring , supervision and evaluation activities.
The primary objective of the 2015-16 MDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the MDHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, n...utrition, maternal and child health and mortality, awareness and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health-related issues such as smoking and knowledge of tuberculosis. As the 2015-16 MDHS is the first DHS survey in the country, trend analysis is not carried out in this report.
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 outlines seven clear targets and four priorities for action to prevent new and reduce existing disaster risks: (i) Understanding disaster risk; (ii) Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk; (iii) Investing in disaster ...reduction for resilience and; (iv) Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response, and to "Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
It aims to achieve the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries over the next 15 years.