A systematic literature review of education systems in low-and middle income countries commissioned by CBM
The Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes across all sectors and phases of response, and in all emergency contexts, ensuring older people and people with disabilities are not e...xcluded.
The threat posed by Zika virus infection highlights the need to reinforce preparedness arrangements for mosquito-borne diseases in EU/EEA countries, especially for pathogens transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
The aim of this document is to highlight measures that can effectively red...uce the risk of importation and local transmission of pathogens transmitted by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The main diseases of concern in this context are Zika, dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever.
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu...s on the management of abductions and kidnappings, a particular form of crisis requiring an especially tailoured response. The two papers seek to act as tools by which agencies can review and strengthen their crisis management mechanisms, so ensuring effective responses to critical incidents.
This study, and similar studies in Kenya, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia is the outcome of close collaborative by a team in Swaziland, with technical and financial support from the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, UNAIDS Geneva, and the World Bank's Global HIV.../AIDS Program (Global AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Team). The study entailed using existing data and collecting new data to better know the country's HIV epidemic, know the country HIV response and how funding was allocated, so as to improve the HIV response and strengthen prevention based on evidence on what works to prevent new infections.
Disability at a Glance 2015 focuses on barriers to the employment of persons with disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region, and offers solutions to strengthen their employment prospects. Employment is not only the primary means of livelihood generation; it also provides individuals with the purpose a...nd meaning of playing a productive role in society. Equal access to employment is therefore vital, and barriers to work faced by persons with disabilities must be removed.
Detailed adapted physical activities are provided with practical guides, group sport guides and assessment tools in order to promote a more inclusive society through sports
Research results of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and response before, during and after disasters in Indonesia, Lao PDR and the Philippines
This report contributes new evidence on why and how sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) risks increase during humanitarian disasters.... It details how humanitarian actors can better prevent and respond to such escalation of SGBV, and better meet the needs of affected women, girls, men and boys. This research is based on community views of disaster-affected women, adolescent girls, men and adolescent boys in three South-East Asian countries: Indonesia, Lao PDR and the Philippines.