The current global crises, including climate, COVID-19, and environmental change, requires global collective action at all scales. These broad socio-ecological challenges require the engagement of diverse perspectives and ways of knowing and the meaningful engagement of all generations and stages of... personal and professional development. The combination of systems thinking, change management, quality improvement approaches and models, appreciative/strength-based approaches, narratives, storytelling and the strengths of Indigenous knowledges, offer synergies and potential that can set the stage for transformative, strengths-based education for sustainable healthcare (ESH).
National-scale databases and reliability issue
Background report
Le présent guide opérationnel sert de feuille de route pour la surveillance et les interventions en matière de mortalité maternelle et périnatale dans les milieux cliniques et politiques, comme décrit dans les deux guides de référence de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) intitulé...s : Surveillance des décès maternels et riposte – Directives techniques – Prévention des décès maternels – Informations au service de l’action («Guide SDMR», 2013) et Pour que chaque enfant compte : audit et examens des mortinaissances et des décès néonatals» (2016).
Ces deux guides proposent des approches fondées sur l’utilisation de données de qualité sur les soins de santé pour mettre un terme aux décès maternels, aux mortinaissances et aux décès néonatals évitables.
Improving the survival chances and quality of life of women, newborns, and children remains an urgent global challenge. Since 2012, substantial progress has been made in reducing maternal and under-5 deaths, and a only handful of countries are on target to meet the SDG targets in 2030. Yet, 5 millio...n children still die each year under the age of 5, and nearly half of those are newborns less than a month old. Worse still, the global maternal mortality ratio is going in the wrong direction.
A Decade of Progress and Action for the Future will examine the tenacity and innovation that helped us make gains, the lessons learned through monitoring, country-led adaptation and leadership, analysis, and reflection, as well as the approaches we must take to reinvigorate the momentum and global commitment to improving maternal and child survival. Increasing coverage, strengthening the quality of care, and enhancing equity will be tantamount to our global progress.
According to most recent data, the world economy grew by 3.1 per cent in 2022. To many, the rebound
suggested that a soft landing was possible in 2023, and that the key problems of the year 2022 – rising
prices, supply-chain disruptions and recession risks – have been addressed. As a result, t...he very first
months of 2023 were viewed with optimism by decision-makers, as it appeared that the anti-inflationary
stance of the central banks had set a path to price stabilization without causing a major disruption to
This Urban Flood Risk Handbook: Assessing Risk and Identifying Interventions is a roadmap for conducting an urban flood risk assessment in any city in the world. It includes practical guidance for a flood risk assessment project, covering the key hazard and risk modeling stages as well as the evalua...tion of different flood-mitigating infrastructure intervention options and management of the project. The Handbook has been developed based on lessons learned from implementing urban flood risk assessments around the world in a diversity of contexts. It is intended for a wide variety of practitioners: project managers, city officials, and anyone else interested in conducting a strategic study of a city's flood risk and developing potential solutions for it. We expect this Handbook tocontribute to the understanding of urban flood risk, make this specialized knowledge more accessible to a wider public, and support the process of building cities that are not only capable of withstanding floods but also provide safe, inclusive, and sustainable environments for all their residents.
El objetivo fue determinar cuáles son las percepciones de distintos actores del sistema de salud
colombiano sobre los problemas del sistema que están detrás de la crisis. Se realizó un estudio
cualitativo a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad con cuarenta agentes del
sect...or salud, en Bogotá, Cali, Ibagué, Espinal y Calima-Darién. Los resultados mostraron que la
corrupción, el incumplimiento de normas y los conflictos entre los intereses de diversos actores
del sistema debilitan la legitimidad de este último, atomizan la cooperación y cohesión de los
actores y fortalecen el interés particular.
This document gives you a step by step guide on running group sessions for people with schizophrenia and their caregivers in your community
DHS Working Papers No. 84
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of essential information related to immunization, including technical information about vaccines, a review of immunization program management best practices, guidance on the delivery of immunization services, monitoring and evaluation, disease surveillanc...e, and the role of behavior change.