Informationsblatt Grippe/Schweinegrippe - Domuz gribi - Свиной грипп - Inflünza suina - Swine flu - Grippe porcine - busÚj infl ünza A/H1N1- Gripe porcina - Svinjski grip - swg-indisch
This guide is available in following languages:
Arabic, German, English, French, Italien, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish. Go to
Report Shows Egregious Attacks on Health Care by Syrian Government Have Devastated Aleppo’s Medical System
The training manual consists of: (i) Tools for communication, reassurance and comfort for staff working directly with distressed children; (ii) Advice and guidance for staff working with parents and primary care-givers; (iii) Suggestions for ways to support a distressed child. It provides a non-i...ntrusive skills set of communication and actions that can be used by staff working with survivors of distressing events. The training programme develops skills for providing physical and emotional comfort by modeling calmness and enables a constructive format through active listening that allows survivors to voice their concerns and needs. It also helps to connect survivors to practical assistance through referral networks and information on positive coping strategies.
The manuals are available in Englisch, French, Spanish, Arabic and German
Additional training aids download directly from the website.
A poster in Kirundi to raise awareness about typhoid fever among Burundian population in the refugee camp.
Schweigepflichterklärungen für Dolmetscher / Übersetzer / Sprachmittler im medizinischen Kontext für die Region Unterfranken. Englische Version!
Confidentiality agreement for translators/interpreters within the medical context in the region Unterfranken, Germany.
Modellprojekt von Ärzte ohne Grenzen zusammen mit dem Krankenhaus St. Josef in Schweinfurt.
Der vorliegende überarbeitete Leitfaden ist stark praxisorientiert und soll als ‚open source‘ zur Nachahmung anregen. Beschrieben werden die Schritte der Entwicklung unseres Modellprojektes ‘Niedersc...hwellige psychosoziale Hilfen für Geflüchtete’ in Deutschland von der Idee bis hin zur praktischen Umsetzung. Er ist als Erfahrungsbericht zu verstehen, die Arbeitsweise von ärzte ohne grenzen aus den Projektländern auf den deutschen Kontext zu übertragen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Beschreibung der Ausbildung und der Arbeitsweise der Psychosozialen Peer-BeraterInnen. Sie stellen das Kernstück unseres Ansatzes im
Bereich der niederschwelligen psychosozialen Versorgung dar.
Available in Englisch, French, Spanis, Portuguese and Arabic from
The “Principles” are intended to influence policy makers and other stakeholders responsible for implementing measures that affect the rights and needs of these children.
This resource is a product of a partnership project between the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and UNICEF Lebanon entitled “Strengthening Child Protection and Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response for Women, Children, and Youth with Disabilities." The overall goal of the project is to ...improve violence prevention and response programming for at-risk groups of women, girls, and boys with disabilities. It builds on existing initiatives of gender-based violence (GBV) and child protection (CP) actors to systematically advance disability inclusion across the CP and GBV prevention and response sectors in Lebanon.
Download the full Toolkit directly from the website link.
Guidance on Disability Inclusion for GBV Partners in Lebanon
The report provides lessons and recommendations for other organizations and the wider humanitarian community on engaging persons with disabilities at all levels of humanitarian work. It draws on consultations with over 700 displaced persons—including persons with disabilities, their families, and ...humanitarian staff—in eight countries.