This first in a series of Washington Group Implementation Documents covers the tools developed by the Washington Group to collect
internationally comparable disability data on censuses and surveys. WG Implementation guideline Tool 1
A Report of A survey study conducted to determine the demand, availability, quality of production, usage, and affordability of wheelchairs in Uganda.
Accessed Febr. 12,2015
Qualitative study from Zambia on barriers to and facilitators of life-long learning
This handbook aims to give practical guidance to support development organisations to mainstream disability into their work. It is primarily intended for VSO programmes, but could be useful to other development actors interested in mainstreaming disability, such as NGOs, gover...nment and donors
special education, culture, psychology, education, policy
22.9% of surveyed Syrian refugees aged 2 years and above had disabilities (1,374 persons out of 6,003 persons): 13.8% in Azraq camp, 23.5% in Irbid and 30.5% in Zaatari camp. Understanding disability as the level of difficulties a person is facing when performing basic activities that could put him/...her at risk of not participating in society, the prevalence of disability found by the study was markedly higher than the existing disability statistics at around 2-3% to less than 10%, many of which used questions focusing on a person’s medical conditions or impairments.
Disability. Assessment among Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon
Latin America and the Caribbean is characterized by a matrix of social inequality whose axes —such as
socioeconomic stratum, gender, stage in the life cycle, ethnicity and race, territory, disability, and immigration
status— create multiple, often concurrent, situations of exclusion and discri...mination. The coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) pandemic has exacerbated wide social gaps and it is no coincidence that Latin America
and the Caribbean is one of the regions in which the health and socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic have
been the most severe, which shows that the costs of inequality are unsustainable
Mapping Report - Portugal
CBR Advisory Working Group | Co-ordinator: Karen Heinicke-Motsch
CBM and the Global Campaign for Education 2014