Gender-based violence is a life-threatening, global health and human rights issue that violates international human rights law and principles of gender equality. It is also a threat to lasting peace and an affront to our common humanity. United Nations Member States have called for urgent action to ...end GBV in emergencies, recognizing that in crises, the risk of GBV is heightened, particularly for women and adolescent girls.
This core package of materials provides a comprehensive introduction to the FAST strategy: a focused approach to stopping TB spread in congregate settings. This core package is composed of a booklet, job aids, posters, and a button which serves as a visual reminder to staff and patients of the impor...tance of this strategy in TB control. FAST can be implemented in both general and TB specific medical settings. Download the complete package from the website
Arabic Version of COVID-19 Guidance on use of personal protective equipment for different clinical settings and activities
This volume presents the complex patterns of cancer incidence and death around the world and evidence on effective and cost-effective ways to control cancers. The Disease Control Priorities Volume 3 evaluation of cancer will indicate where cancer treatment is ineffective and wasteful, and offer alte...rnative cancer care packages that are cost-effective and suited to low-resource settings.
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition: Volume 3
In the year 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s population was living in urban areas. Cities have become more numerous, more populous, and denser. The complexity and density of urban environments significantly alter the viability of certain humanitarian protection st...rategies that might work well in rural, more sparsely populated areas. In addition, it has become difficult to draw the line between acute and chronic vulnerability and therefore, the identification of beneficiaries. This blur in distinction between chronic and acute vulnerability has raised a number of important questions for humanitarian organizations regarding if and how they should intervene. While many such organizations are equipped with the appropriate skills to mitigate overwhelming public health challenges is such contexts, the absence of a crisis point - such as armed conflict or natural disaster - brings the mandate of humanitarian agencies into question.
This film is the Amharic version of our 'Management of PPH' film for a low resource setting.
At the forefront of DNDi’s efforts to develop new treatments is the need to understand the realities and treatment needs of patients and health care staff in the field. The ultimate goal for human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a truly simplified
treatment which can be orally administered, impl...emented at the primary health care level, and effective against both stages of the disease.
Barriers to HIV Services and Treatment for Persons with Disabilities in Zambia
The 80-page report documents the obstacles faced by people with disabilities in both the community and healthcare settings. These include pervasive stigma and discrimination, lack of access to inclusive HIV prevention ed...ucation, obstacles to accessing voluntary testing and HIV treatment, and lack of appropriate support for adherence to antiretroviral treatment. The report also describes the sexual and intimate partner violence women and girls with disabilities face, and the need for the government and international donors to do more to ensure inclusive and accessible HIV services.
Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures, eighth edition, is
a practical, portable reference for students and practitioners in the
clinical setting. Grouped alphabetically, 85 commonly performed skills
are presented in a clear, step-by-step format that includes:
■ Purpose for pe...rforming each skill
■ Guidelines to help students in delegating tasks to assistive
■ List of equipment required
■ Rationales to explain why specific techniques are used
■ Full-color photographs and drawings to provide visual
In addition, Safety Alerts are included in the skills to highlight important
information about patient safety and effective performance.
Current Standard Precautions guidelines from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention are incorporated throughout. Preprocedure
and postprocedure protocols are conveniently located on the inside
back cover.
In this category, you will find numerous guidelines on working in humanitarian aid, humanitarian standards, and health care for patients in fragile contexts
The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) is a clinically-led charitable organisation. The scope is research and education to improve prevention, diagnosis and care of respiratory diseases in global community and primary care settings.
Standards for nursing practice are based on the following philosophy and principles:
•the client is the central focus of the professional service nurses provide, and is a partner in the decision-making process and ultimately makes his or her own decisions
•improvement is a necessary component ...of practice, and the public interest is best served when nurses continually improve their application of knowledge, skill and judgment
•the public has entrusted CRNPEI to honour the social contract that we have made with Canadians to act in the public interest through the licensing and regulation of its members •quality practice settings contribute to the provision of competent and professional service
•the goal of professional nursing service is the outcome desired by the client that poses noun necessary exposure of risk of harm
A guide to common pediatric disorders. A online learning programme.
Child healtcare is for GPs and paediatric nurses in primary care settings. It cover common and important clilnical problems in children.
PCI works with partners to strengthen the primary healthcare workforce and the systems around them, with a particular focus on NCDs. We advise and support our partners across a range of building blocks of primary care to improve the quality of care and to strengthen clinical and community-based mana...gement of healthcare.
We work to build confidence and capacity, co-creating innovative, practical solutions to the endemic challenges facing healthcare systems in diverse settings globally. With a firm belief in compassionate, person-centred healthcare, PCI occupies a unique position, bringing deep clinical and systems expertise to integrated primary healthcare
Modern healthcare has given rise to extremely complex and multifaceted ethical dilemmas. All too often physicians are unprepared to manage these competently. This publication is specifically structured to reinforce and strengthen the ethical mindset and prac...tice of physicians and provide tools to find ethical solutions to these dilemmas. It is not a list of “rights and wrongs” but an attempt to sensitise the conscience of the physician, which is the basis for all sound and ethical decision-making. To this end, you will find several case studies in the book, which are intended to foster individual ethical reflection as well as discussion within team settings.
Many people have questions about the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. As vaccine recipients’ most-trusted source of information on vaccines, you play a critical role in helping them understand the importance of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as if and when it is likely to be recomm...ended for them.
The materials include proven communication strategies and tips for effectively setting expectations and addressing questions from COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
The ethical values and behaviors are not only abstract terms, but they are refined and conceptualized byreal-life experiences. The societal context where the actions of humans can be analyzed by ethicaldecision-making is entirely relevant to deliberate on what is the right thing to do and what the m...oralagent should do, since the ethical values and principles response to the actual practices of life and to theneeds of humans in the society. This elaboration takes us to the realm of social ethics.This article reviews the definition and contextual meaning of social ethics at a broader level by givingspecial emphasis to the ethical theories and principles, focusing on the societal and public setting. Ethicswill be deliberated with social and community aspects. Based on the principle of justice and public healthethics, the concept of social ethics has been investigated concisely through the relationship between man,as a moral person, and the society in exemplification of the issues of healthcare ethics. It is argued that thetension between individualism and communitarian needs can be reconciled with the perspective of socialethics by respecting the individual autonomy without disregarding the common good and social justice.By promoting the values of social responsibility, solidarity, and social utility, social ethics has beenproposed as the basis of a rational, moral, egalitarian, pluralistic, democratic society rising on the pillars ofhuman rights and human dignity.
Russia began an all-out invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, carrying out extensive military operations marked by war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law. Using indiscriminate weapons such as cluster munitions in populated areas, including in cities such as Kharkiv and ...Chernihiv, Russian forces have killed civilians and demolished residential structures, including apartment blocks. The hardest-hit city of all has been Mariupol, where relentless Russian attacks have left many areas in ruins. In Bucha and other towns northwest of Kyiv, Russian soldiers have extrajudicially executed civilians and looted civilian property. More than 14 million people have been uprooted by the conflict, with close to six million fleeing to neighbouring countries as refugees. Sexual crimes have been reported.
There are reports that Ukrainian forces have operated out of residential areas, drawing Russian fire there and endangering the civilian population. There is also compelling evidence to indicate that both Russian and Ukrainian forces have mistreated prisoners of war.
La question des effets du changement climatique sur les hommes et les femmes a été définie par la Commission de la condition de la femme comme une de celles qui doivent davantage retenir l’attention. Les normes, rôles et relations relatifs au genre (voir l’Encadré 1) sont d’importants fac...teurs déterminant la vulnérabilité et la capacité d’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique sur la santé (voir l’Encadré 2). Les femmes et les hommes sont vulnérables face aux effets des événements climatiques extrêmes non seulement du point de vue biologique, mais aussi du fait de leurs rôles et responsabilités sociaux distincts (Easterling, 2000 ; Wisner et al., 2004) qui peuvent varier mais se retrouvent dans toutes les sociétés. Les femmes doivent souvent supporter des charges supplémentaires en cas d’événements climatiques extrêmes du fait des rôles et responsabilités qu’elles sont censées assumer en s’occupant de la famille, alors que les hommes de leur côté supporteront des charges supplémentaires du fait de leur rôle économique.