Brazil ́s response is taking place in strict compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005.
Brazil created the Emergency Operations Center (COE) and immediately notified WHO when the first case in Brazilian territory
was confirmed on February 26.
Los datos preliminares de eficacia se infirieron mediante un enfoque de “inmunogenicidad puente”, en el que los títulos neutralizantes obtenidos después de la vacuna en niños y niñas de 5 a 11 años se compararon con los títulos obtenidos en adolescentes de 16 a 25 años (en quienes se hab...a evaluado la eficacia).Entre los participantes sin evidencia de infección previa por SARS-CoV-2, hubo 3 casos de COVID-19 entre los 1.305 receptores de vacuna a partir de los 7 días de la segunda dosis y 16 entre los 663 receptores de placebo.
AMCC, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) association governed by the law of 1901, the French branch of the INCTR (International Network for Treatment and Research on Cancer) mainly oriented towards women's and children's cancers, aims to strengthen the fight against cancer in low- and countries through training, education, teaching, research with support for therapeutic care.
No publication date available; Accessed January 24th, 2022
Seit August 2021 empfiehlt die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) allen Kindern und Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren die Corona-Schutzimpfung mit Comirnaty® von BioNTech/Pfizer. Seit Mitte Dezember können auch Kinder zwischen 5 und 11 Jahren mit dem darauf angepassten Impfstoff von BioNTech/Pfizer geimpft ...werden. Hier finden Sie alles zur Zulassung und der STIKO-Empfehlung sowie kindgerechte Dokumente und Hintergrundinformationen für den Alltag mit Kindern in der Pandemie.
While the world was gripped by the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, children continued to face the same crisis they have for decades: intolerably high mortality rates and vastly inequitable chances at life. In total, more than 5.0 million children under age 5, including 2.4 million newborns, with 2.2 million children and youth aged 5 to 24 years – 43 per cent of whom are adolescents – died in 2020. This tragic and massive loss of life, most of which was due to preventable or treatable causes, is a stark reminder of the urgent need to end preventable deaths of children and young people.
Newborn Resuscitation Algorithm
El Ministerio de Salud comunica a las empresas que comercializan alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas procesados y a la población en general, que a partir del 17 de setiembre de 2021 entran en vigencia los nuevos parámetros técnicos, correspondientes a la segunda fase establecida en el reglamento la Ley N° 30021 referentes al contenido de azúcar, sodio, grasas saturadas y grasas trans.
En ese sentido, las empresas que comercializan alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas procesados, deberán adecuarse a la segunda fase, consignando las advertencias publicitarias tipo OCTÓGONOS conforme a los parámetros técnicos establecidos.
El Ministerio de Salud a través de la Dirección de Salud Mental, con el apoyo técnico de UNICEF, llevó a cabo el presente estudio que mide la presencia de problemas de salud mental en niñez y adolescencia y los principales factores asociados, en el contexto de la COVID-19. El estudio fue real...izado por un grupo de profesionales expertos en investigación, epidemiologia, salud mental y psiquiatría infanto-juvenil, los datos se recogieron durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2020.
Symptomatic pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe diseases and it might affect the foetus too. Hence, the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for pregnant women.
country brief, Syrian Arab Republic
Young people living in the Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau are the most at risk of the impacts of climate change, threatening their health, education, and protection, and exposing them to deadly diseases. The report is the first comprehensive analysis of climate from a child’s perspective. It ranks countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental shocks, such as cyclones and heatwaves, as well as their vulnerability to those shocks, based on their access to essential services.
Additional translations of the Executive Summary are available in the following languages, with thanks to Climate Cardinals: English, French, Arabic, Hausa, Portuguese, Spanish, Somali, Yoruba
Due to Nepal’s difficult geographic structure, rapid urbanization, varied groundwater level, and increasing population the country is prone to earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, lightning, hailstone, drought, epidemic, and other disasters. These disasters cause a huge
loss of li...fe and property every year.
In normal circumstances, persons with disabilities are at a higher risk than others. Hence, they may be more vulnerable and affected in an event of a disaster. Especially those with severe disabilities, women, children, and senior citizens are more at risk during disasters persons with disabilities must be kept at the forefront for disaster mitigation and
preparedness to protect them from disaster risk