新型冠状病毒正在全球传播。个人、社区和人道主义工作者应如何最好地响应 新型冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)的暴发呢?如何使用《环球计划手册》指导我 们的响应?
本文件分为两节: A. 第一节内容为一次成功的整体性响应中...关键的基本原则。 B. 第二节内容为手册的“供水、环境卫生和卫生促进”和“医疗卫生”两章中相关的 标准和指引
21 August 2020
This guidance provides specific considerations for the use of non-medical masks, also known as fabric masks, by children as a means for source control in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It also advises on the use of medical masks for children under certain conditions.
interim guidance, 23 December 2020
This report tells the stories of some of the world’s 7.1 million refugee children of school age under UNHCR’s mandate. In addition, it looks at the educational aspirations of refugee youth eager to continue learning after secondary education, and highlights the need for strong partnerships in o...rder to break down the barriers to education for millions of refugee children.
Health needs of displaced Syrians in refugee hosting countries have become increasingly complex in light of the protracted Syrian conflict. The primary aim of this study was to identify the primary health needs of displaced Syrians in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Syria.
This study provides information about vulnerabilities within the targeted population and contributes to reflection within UNHCR on how to interpret their multisectorial Home Visit assessments. By exploring relationships between vulnerability indicators and other data collected, the report outlines k...ey trends and relationships. The report details predefined VAF indicators and then provides an in-depth descriptive analysis for each sector
This publication includes quotes from various respondents interviewed in Tripoli, Akkar and Beirut. We focused on three main questions: How are the relations between refugees and Lebanese? How are refugees faring in the job market? Which concrete initiatives have already demonstrated positive impact... in terms of increasing their financial and/or social well-being? The combination of those factors are key to understanding refugees’ livelihoods and coping strategies and reflect on what more can be done by local and international actors to increase social stability in Lebanon on a temporary basis, pending durable solutions.
This paper was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in 2015, and produced by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in cooperation with German civil society actors and freelance psychologists working in the field... of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) with refugees and internally displaced people (IDP) in both the Middle Eastern region and Germany. The commission arose from BMZ’s wish for guidance on the characteristics of good working practices in MHPSS and the desire expressed by GIZ’s civil society partners in the regional programme Psychosocial Support for Syrian and Iraqi Refugees and Internally Displaced People for more intensive dialogue to promote MHPSS in the context of the Syria and Iraq crises.
Recommendations• NGOs should provide MHPSS services with a focus on empowerment and self-reliance
• Introduce interventions focusing on pain mechanisms, coping strategies and physical resilience
• Implement livelihood programmes
• Increase service accessibility and outreach activ...ities
• Provide support groups for people who have lost a close family member
• Highlight the importance of supervision and training
• Ensure high quality service provisions by applying relevant outcome measures and to further contribute to the evidence base for MHPSS
• Diversify MHPSS activities to different target groups, including men and women, and address the needs of elderly and individuals with disabilities
This study provides evidence of a large gap between the need of MHPSS among Syrian refugees and provided services. Of the 1082 respondents in this study, 62% expressed that they needed assistance to deal with physical pain and distress. Almost 80% reported being in pain, of which 27% were in severe or very severe pain. Additionally, 55% suffer from distress and 56% rate their own health as fair or poor. Even among the 18-25-yearolds, the prevalence of reporting their overall health as fair was 30.7%. For functionality levels, 28.5% felt severely or extremely emotionally affected by their health problems, and more than 20% had serious difficulties in doing day-to-day work. On the other hand, the majority (72-74%) had no problems in maintaining friendships and participating in community activities
Revision for Field Review
This important issue of Forced Migration Review draws our attention to the current challenges facing displaced Syrians and the continuing search for solutions. The statistics of Syrian displacement are staggering – and the numbers continue to rise. Half of Syria’s population has been displaced: ...five and a half million are registered refugees and over six million are internally displaced.
Global Health Media Project developed the Small Baby Series to bring to life many life-saving practices such as how to keep premature babies warm with skin-to-skin care, and how to feed them with a cup or feeding tube before they’re strong enough to breastfeed.
25 videos are now available in Ara...bic, including eight videos on new born care, seven videos on the care of small babies and ten videos on breastfeeding.
Responding to a poliovirus event and outbreak, Part 1: General (SOPs) describes the general principles and steps to facilitate timely and effective responses to poliovirus events and outbreaks, and incorporate lessons learned from recent previous outbreak response efforts. This document summarizes r...oles and responsibilities of national governments and Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners.
Effective 01 November 2017 until 30 April 2018
The main objectives of the SOPs are to: (i) establish standards and timelines for response activities; and (ii) guide national governments and GPEI partners in key support functions.
This new version of the SOPs presents overall response requirements for dealing with type 1, 2 and 3 poliovirus fo...llowing monovalent type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) cessation. Version 2.4 will be valid until release of revised version 3.0 (anticipated May 2018).