21 août 2020
Le présent document contient les orientations destinées aux décideurs et aux professionnels de la santé publique et de la santé de
l’enfant pour l’élaboration de politiques relatives au port du masque par les enfants dans le cadre de la pandémie de COVID-19.
L'OMS a développé une définition de cas clinique de l'état post COVID-19 par la méthodologie Delphi qui comprend 12 domaines, disponible pour une utilisation dans tous les contextes. Cette première version a été élaborée par des patients, des chercheurs et d'autres personnes, représentant... toutes les Régions de l'OMS, étant entendu que la définition peut changer à mesure que de nouvelles preuves apparaissent et que notre compréhension des conséquences de la COVID-19 continue d'évoluer.
L'état post COVID-19 survient chez les personnes ayant des antécédents d'infection probable ou confirmée par le CoV-2 du SRAS, généralement 3 mois après l'apparition de symptômes qui durent au moins 2 mois et ne peuvent être expliqués par un autre diagnostic. Les symptômes courants comprennent la fatigue, l'essoufflement, le dysfonctionnement cognitif mais aussi d'autres et ont généralement un impact sur le fonctionnement quotidien. Les symptômes peuvent être d'apparition récente après le rétablissement initial d'un épisode aigu de COVID-19 ou persister depuis la maladie initiale. Les symptômes peuvent également fluctuer ou rechuter au fil du temps.
La formation initiale en soins inrmiers vise le développement des compétences inhérentes à la
pratique inrmière. Qu’elle relève des domaines scientique, relationnel, éthique, déontologique
ou juridique, l’acquisition des savoirs occupe une place prépondérante dans les appren...tissages que
l’étudiante doit faire pour exercer sa future profession. À cela s’ajoute l’habileté à organiser ses
activités cliniques, la capacité de s’impliquer au sein d’une équipe travaillant en interdisciplinarité
et la facilité à utiliser les divers moyens de transmission de l’information clinique (plan de soins et
de traitements inrmiers, plan thérapeutique inrmier, rédaction des notes d’évolution dans le
dossier et autres outils de documentation).
Recommandations formalisées d'experts
WHO has developed a new health kit to support treatment for chronic disease patients in emergency settings. The prevalence of NCDs is increasing worldwide, including in emergency/crisis-prone areas. Yet current humanitarian response has not accounted for this emerging burden. The NCD kit attends to ...cover this gap by providing essential medicines and medical devices for the management of hypertension and cardiac conditions, diabetes and endocrine conditions, chronic respiratory diseases, and mental health and neurological conditions and neurological conditions for outpatient care in primary health care settings.
WHO's Severe acute malnutrition with medical complications kit (SAM/MC) kit is a standard kit designed to provide medical treatment for 50 children under five suffering from severe malnutrition with medical complications. The SAM/MC kit includes antibiotics, antifungal, de-worming, antimalarial and ...anti-scabies medicines, and a rehydration mix specific to treat cases of severe acute malnutrition
The WHO Trauma Bag 2021 is intended to provide the resources needed to care for care of acutely ill and injured patients in hospital emergency units, field hospitals or clinics providing acute care. The Trauma Bag may also be applicable in prehospital settings if care is provided by advanced practi...tioners. The bag allows users to access essential equipment in one location and is organized into removable color-coded pouches according to the clinical indication. The composition of the bag was determined by broad consensus among diverse emergency care stakeholders.
The new trauma bag is designed for trained medical doctors & first responders. The majority of the included supply can be used by trained first responders. A dedicated intubation module should only be handled by trained providers acting within their scope of practice. The WHO Trauma Bag aims to provide materials to meet the needs of 2 adults and 2 children requiring trauma care
To provide supply & equipment to collect, test and transfuse 50 blood bags.
The new Collection testing and transfusion kit 2021 is specially designed for emergency settings where blood transfusion is crucial. It contains all the necessary supply & equipment needed to collect blood, test it agains...t HIV, Malaria, Hep B and C, and syphilis, make sure of the blood grouping, and ensure transfusion.
The equipment such as blood bags, IV transfusion set and vacutainer blood collection tubes are from BD or Fresenius Kabi, also available as single item in the WHO catalogue.
This Strategic Operating Framework (SOF) has been developed to guide WASH Sector partners in responding to humanitarian needs in Sudan in conjunction with the existing and forthcoming humanitarian response plans (2022 and 2023). This SOF is drafted in consultation with the Strategic Advisory Group (...SAG) at the national level and will be revised as the humanitarian situation evolves in line with changes made to the WASH Cluster response plan and other guidance received by the SAG and the Technical Working Groups. However, by adhering to the cluster (Sector) approach, the partners agree to:
Assist the authorities in responding to the WASH needs of the population affected.
Promote a common understanding of the WASH sector needs and interventions in the response context among the WASH partners.
Ensure a well-coordinated response and consequently increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of individual agency responses; and
Align towards common humanitarian principles and operational objectives.
Partners to conform to the broad operational framework outlined in this document. Agencies that breach these guidelines will be expected to provide clear justification to the WASH Sector and other WASH Sector partners through the SAG