MMWR. Recommendations and Reports:
December 16, 2005 / 54(RR15);49-55
Les situations d’urgence, malgré leur caractère
tragique et les conséquences désastreuses qu’elles ont
sur la santé mentale, sont aussi des occasions uniques
d’améliorer la vie d’un grand nombre de personnes
moyennant une réforme de la santé mentale. Cela
est d’autant plus imp...ortant que la santé mentale est
indispensable au bien-être général, au fonctionnement
et à la résilience des individus, des sociétés, et
des pays qui se relèvent de catastrophes naturelles,
de conflits armés ou d’autres situations difficiles.
Application of a One Health approach .
The present guidance was developed with the support of the WHO Advisory Group on Integrated Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AGISAR) to assist countries and other stakeholders in the establishment and development of programmes of integrated surveillan...ce of antimicrobial resistance in the foodborne bacteria (i.e., bacteria commonly transmitted by food) by taking a One Health approach.
WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.2 Plague Manual
Epidemiology, Distribution, Surveillance and Control
The intent of these guidelines is to develop a holistic, coordinated, proactive and technology driven strategy for management of biological disasters through a culture of prevention, mitigation and preparedness to generate a prompt and effective response in the event of an emergency. Th...e document contains comprehensive guidelines for preparedness activities, biosafety and biosecurity measures, capacity development, specialised health care and laboratory facilities, strengthening of the existing legislative/
regulatory framework, mental health support, response, rehabilitation and recovery, etc. It specifically lays down the approach for implementation of the guidelines by the central ministries/departments, states, districts and other stakeholders, in a time bound manner.
Procedures Manual - Medicines registration in Madagascar - 2016 version
First edition, November 1997 | Revised July 2002
Therapeutics Information and Pharmacovigilance Centre | TIPC