Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth June 2018, Volume 65, Issue 6, pp 698–708
Annual Household Survey 2015/16 is the forth survey of its kind. These annual surveys are conducted to provide estimations of some major socio-economic indicators on annual basis which would not be possible with other periodic surveys like Nepal Labour Force Surveys (NLSS) and Nepal Living Standard ...Surveys (NLSS) which are undertaken at longer intervals. The survey basically aims to provide estimates of consumption by sex, urban-rural area and by consumption quintiles/deciles. Although the major thrust of Annual Household Survey is on consumption and employment situations, other sectors like education, housing and housing facilities and demographic characteristics are also included. As this year NLSS survey is conducted so, this survey does not contain information on employment situation as in previous annual household surveys.
Irresponsible pharmaceutical companies fuel the proliferation of superbugs through supply chain pollution, the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) reports. The advocacy group uncovered lapses such as dirty production and inadequate waste disposal in the production of antimicrobials in China and I...ndia, which supplies most of the antimicrobials consumed in Europe. In a briefing detailing the pollution, the EPHA urges major purchasers of antibiotics to blacklist irresponsible pharmaceutical companies, demand that the industry clean up its supply chain, introduce greater transparency on the origin of antibiotics, and review and revise procurement policies from an ethics perspective.
World Health Organization Chief Tells Security Council, Urging Sustained Focus to Prevent Future Outbreaks
Voices from Eastern Aleppo. A Compilation of Testimonies Illustrating the Hardships of Daily Life in Eastern Aleppo under Barrel Bombings, through the Eyes of Local Residents
Assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilites
Advocacy report March 2011
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