Key populations brief.
Краткое руководство
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Kingdom of Cambodia, Nation Religion King
Conhecimento, atitudes e práticas sobre tuberculose em prisões e no serviço público de saúde
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Human Rights, Minimum Standards and Monitoring at the European and International Levels
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DOI 10.1186/s12954-016-0118-x
This document serves as an update to “Out of the Dark”, a report published by MSF in October 2011, highlighting the need to prioritise the long-neglected area of paediatric tuberculosis (TB). This update will outline the key improvements and setbacks—the ‘highlights’ and ‘...lowlights’—that have occurred over the last year.
Towards gender - transformative HIV and TB responses
TB policies in 29 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
A guide to protocol development for low-income countries
A Guide For Multicentre Trials in High-Burden Countries
Eur Respir J 2014; 43: 24–35 | DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00113413
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Abuja call for accelerated action towards universal access to HIV and Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria services in Africa