Résultats de la Sérologie Réalisée dans le Cadre
de l’Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples
Johnson CC et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21594 http://www.jiasociety.org/index.php/jias/article/view/21594 | https://doi.org/10.7448/IAS.20.1.21594
A la suite de cette analyse de situation, le Ministère de la Santé à travers la Direction des Laboratoires a entrepris des actions correctives parmi lesquelles, l’élaboration d’une politique nationale en matière d’analyses de biologie médicale dont l’un des objectifs spécifiques est ...d’assurer la qualité des prestations. Nonobstant cet acquis, il reste que le Burkina Faso n’est pas doté d’un plan national qualité pour accompagner les laboratoires dans la mise en œuvre de la démarche qualité.
Le présent plan qualité vise la promotion et la mise en œuvre de la démarche qualité dans les laboratoires d’analyses de biologie médicale.
L’étude a pour objectif général de faire une analyse de la santé communautaire au Burkina Faso et spécifiquement de : 1) décrire la nature et le processus de développement des SBC; 2) déterminer les forces et les faiblesses des documents d’orientation des SBC; 3) documenter les bonnes pr...atiques en santé communautaire, et 4) formuler des recommandations pour améliorer l’offre des SBC.
In this paper we aim to provide information on the importance of efficiency measurement of health care facilities in developing countries. We state that efficiency measurement can be a substantial contribution to saving lives. Therefore we analyse the performance of health centres in rural Burkina F...aso making use of data which were taken from a comprehensive long-term cost information system. In the subsequent parts of this article, the study site is described and the DEA method outlined. The ensuing analysis of the data is carried out in two stages. Firstly, quantitative aspects concerning relative efficiency are presented. Secondly, the measures of performance are explained. The implications of the results are then discussed.
L’objectif général de la mission est de renforcer le programme national de lutte contre la tuberculose
à travers une assistance technique d’une durée de 12 mois.
The importance of fruits and vegetables in nutritious and healthy diets is well recognized, and in recent years consumers have been encouraged to eat more of these products. For many countries, particularly developing countries, these products have become a valuable commodity. At the same time, food... safety problems linked to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables contaminated with microorganisms are increasing
Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat as it is present in all parts of the world and it means that there is a shortage of effective antibiotics to treat simple infections and diseases, also statistics reveal that because of antimicrobial resistance patients’ morbidity and mortality is increa...sed, as well as healthcare related expenditures. Theoretical frameworks chosen for this study are Mark Salmon White’s construct for public health nursing and Tannahill’s model for health promotion. Both models focus on promoting and contributing to the health and well-being of the public. In this thesis the nurse’s role is explored and steps that can be taken towards contributing to minimizing antimicrobial resistance are listed
This guideline provides advice in regards to applications for Marketing Authorisations for antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) on the data required and the methodology to be used for performing an assessment of the risk to public health from antimicrobial resistance (AMR) due to use o...f the product. The scope of the guidance extends to VMPs intended for food producing species and to the transmission of AMR by the foodborne route or through direct contact with treated animals.
The global tripartite self-assessment survey of country progress in addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a component of a broader approach for monitoring and evaluation of the global action plan on AMR. This report analyses the results of the second tripartite self-assessment survey. It has ...been developed and run by the three Tripartite organizations (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and World Health Organization (WHO)) and reflects progress in the human, animal (terrestrial and aquatic), plant, food safety and environmental sectors. 154 countries out of 194 WHO Member States responded to this round of the self-assessment survey – a response rate of 79.4%.
Accessed: 07.03.2020
A Review of Community Health Worker (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to the sexual health of MSM, including existing training materials and manuals in Europe and neighbouring countries (D5.1)
Contract 2015 71 01 A behavioural survey for HIV/AIDS and assoc...iated infections and a survey and tailored training for community based health workers to facilitate access and improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis and health care services for men who have sex with men (MSM).
Pubic Health
July 2014
This report was made possible through support provided by the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, mPowering Frontline Health Workers, Intel, and USAID. This report was authored by Cindil Redick for mPowering Frontline Health Workers under the terms of Contract No. GHS-A-00-08...-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.
Naicker et al. BMC Palliative Care (2016) 15:41 DOI 10.1186/s12904-016-0114-7
Teachers' Exercise Book for HIV Prevention
Document 6.1
This booklet contains all the participatory learning experiences that are included in the Training and Resource Manual on School Health and HIV and AIDS Prevention. It is to be given to all teachers who receive training as part of the EI/WH...O School Health and HIV Prevention Project. Other groups may wish to copy and use the materials in this document to help adults and students prevent HIV infection and related discrimination.
Trainer Manual Introduction (Section 1-3)
Over the reporting period, economic actors continued to carry out their activities with little regard for their impacts on the livelihoods of the communities living in the surrounding areas. In Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District, cold dust from a Tatmadaw-run cement factory contaminated nearby waterways... during the rainy season. As a result, civilians from at least 15 villages faced water shortages. In Mu Traw (Hpapun) and Kler Lwee Htoo districts, gold mining activities damaged forests and polluted water and soils in several village tracts. In both cases, the economic actors involved failed to secure the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of the local population, and did not compensate the affected communities for the damage caused.
This manual for developing national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance has been developed at the request of the World Health Assembly to assist countries in the initial phase of developing new, or refining existing national action plans in line with the
strategic objectives of the Glo...bal Action Plan. It proposes an incremental approach that countries can adapt to the specific needs, circumstances and available resources of each individual country. Details of actions to be taken will vary according to national contexts.
The threat posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to public health as well as global health security has been reiterated in umerous World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions. AMR is also prioritized under the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), and India is one of the contributing countries. The Mi...nistry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) identified AMR as one of the top 10 priorities for the ministry’s collaborative work with WHO. The National Health Policy 2017 identifies antimicrobial resistance as a problem and calls for effective action to address it. An international conference on AMR – “Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: A
Public Health Challenge and Priority”, was jointly organized by the Government of India and World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2016, which was attended by more than 350 participants. The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, and the Hon’ble Union Minister for Health, Shri J.P. Nadda have reiterated government’s commitment to tackle AMR.
This is the first NAP on the Prevention and Containment of AMR in Kenya. It has been developed based on the National Policy on Prevention and Containment of AMR and the recommendations of the situation analysis on AMR conducted in 2011 and updated in 2016. This strategy provides a regulatory and imp...lementation framework to establish and strengthen systems to contain the emergence and spread of AMR. Implementation of this strategy will require substantial funding and high-level political commitment. Because AMR is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral issue, successful implementation of this strategy will require effective coordination and collaboration among different sectors.
The current trend in AMR in Uganda and globally is rising and calls for immediate action. The 71st UN General Assembly (UNGA), the 68th World Health Assembly, and organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Organization for ...Animal Health (OIE), have agreed on a set of actions that member countries such as Uganda are committed to implement. The Government of Uganda (GoU) has put in place a framework through this National AMR Action Plan to address the threat AMR poses to the welfare of the peoples of Uganda. The Action Plan sets out a coordinated and collaborative One Health approach involving key stakeholders in government and other sectors to confront the threat and shall be coordinated by a Uganda National Antimicrobial Resistance Committee (UNAMRC).