Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package
Languages: Arabic, English, French, Chinese, Russian
This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available:
In: Mental health nursing: dimensions of praxis. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 427-442. ISBN 9780195566963
This chapter introduces you to the importance of culturally based health and well-being and to health care delivered by mental health nurses. There is a need for mental h...ealth professionals to incorporate knowledge about these beliefs and to develop the skills to work with clients from cultures other than their own if they are to care for them effectivel
In 2015, WHO proposed the use of the Robson classification (also known as the 10-group classification) as a global standard for assessing, monitoring and comparing caesarean section rates both within healthcare facilities and between them. The system classifies all women into one of 10 categories t...hat are mutually exclusive and, as a set, totally comprehensive. The categories are based on 5 basic obstetric characteristics that are routinely collected in all maternities (parity, number of foetuses, previous caesarean section, onset of labour, gestational age, and fetal presentation).
A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country.
A Field-Based Assessment of Formal and Informal Procedures and Practices
IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child psychiatry & pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Somatoform disorders
Les enfants sont notre avenir. Des politiques et plans bien conçus permettent aux gouvernements de promouvoir la santé mentale des enfants dans l'intérêt des familles, de la communauté et de la société tout entière.
Les enfants et les adolescents qui sont en bonne santé mentale peuvent se ...procurer et maintenir un bien-être et un comportement social et psychologique optimums. Ils ont le sens de l’identité et de la confiance en soi, de la famille stable et des rapports d’égalité, la capacité d’être productif et d’apprendre, le potentiel pour relever les défis du développement et se servir des ressources culturelles pour porter la croissance à un niveau aussi élevé que possible.
Depression Research and Treatment
Volume 2012, Article ID 962860, 8 pages
The 2014-2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia resulted in over 10,000 cases and 5,000 deaths. Recognizing the importance of addressing children’s trauma, the Ebola recovery and restoration trust fund (EERTF) funded the implementation of a Comfort for kids (C4K) program which encou...rages psychological healing, and promotes resilience in children who have experienced a crisis or disaster. The C4K program in Liberia was implemented between January 2015 and December 2016 in fifteen townships in Montserrado County through a collaboration between Mercy Corps Liberia, the World Bank’s Liberian health task team, and the government of Liberia. C4K primarily centers on the My Story workbook and associated classroom activities, which provide children with the opportunity to express their emotions about their experiences through drawing, writing, and facilitated discussion. C4K also provides capacity building for parents, teachers, and other caretakers on how to identify and more effectively respond to children’s trauma responses and to support their recovery
This report explores community-focused change initiatives in the financing, organization, and delivery of mental health services in Peru from 2013 to 2016. It examines the national dimension of reforms but focuses above all on implementation and results in the economically fragile district of Caraba...yllo, in northern Lima.