Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) have revolutionized treatment for hepatitis C. Combi-
nations of DAAs can cure infection with HCV in 12 weeks, are highly effective and
have limited side-effects. Affordability of DAAs has improved significantly, but access remains lim-
i...ted. Initially, due to their high prices, affordability of DAAs was limited in high-, middle- and low-
income countries alike. Now there is a divide between those countries where, because of intellectual
property barriers, prices have remained (very) high and other countries where generics are, or can be,
available at much lower prices. The result is a dual market
A review of available evidence (2016).
28-29 June 2016; Geneva, Switzerland
The END TB strategy.
Chapter 8, Prison and Health, published
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
10–11 May 2016, Catania, Italy
DHS Analytical Studies No. 55.
The purpose of this guideline is to explain to healthcare professionals and administrative employees what their records management obligations are in terms of the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa
October 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e1000162