No publication year indicated.
Агенциятана ЕС за наркотиците (EMCDDA) представя днес нови данни за повишена достъпност на кокаин в своя: Европейски доклад за наркотицитеза 2018 г.: Тенденции и развити..., представен в Брюксел (1). Тази констатация е направена на фона на динамично развиващия се пазар на наркотици, който се адаптира бързо в отговор на предприеманите мерки за контрол на наркотиците.
Эпиднадзор за состоянием окружающей среды посредством исследования сточных вод на наличие патогенных микроорганизмов давно применяется в общественном здравоох...анении, в частности, в связи с полиовирусом,
а с недавнего времени — также в связи с проблемой устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам (УПП) . В условиях
нынешней пандемии COVID-19 данная методика используется для определения в сточных водах вируса SARS-CoV-2,
выделяемого через верхние отделы желудочно-кишечного тракта и верхние дыхательные пути, а также с фекалиями.
disease control SARS-CoV-2
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.75559
In book: Extreme WeatherPublisher: IntechOpen
Resistance happens when germs (bacteria and fungi) defeat the drugs designed to kill them. Any antibiotic use—in people, animals, or crops—can lead to resistance. Resistant germs are a One Health problem—they can spread between people, animals, and the environment.
A practical handbook covering the architecture, engineering, design and operation of prisons. It is intended for all ICRC delegates working in places of detention, whether they have extensive practical experience or are new to the field.
Reproduced by CHAL (Chrisitan Health Association Liberia) 3 October 2014
Handle Antimicrobials with care, we can help!
Antimicrobial Resistance can effect us all! Take action now
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 6, ISSUE 5, e388-e390, May 01, 2022. As the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment turns 50, the role of the health stakeholder community in forward-looking environmental agendas is more important than ever. Breathing air, drinking water, and eating food i...s a daily requirement for healthy human bodies. These basic needs inextricably link human health to the health of our environment. Hence, core elements of the global environmental movement were built on concern for the negative impact of pollution on human and ecosystem health.
Natural disasters often increase morbidity and mortality rates. Taking appropriate measures to maintain environmental health helps to reduce or eliminate the risks of preventable disease and death. Such measures contribute not only to the health of individuals in and near disaster-stricken areas, bu...t they also contribute to decreasing the high costs of providing emergency health services in the aftermath of disaster.
This document is divided into several parts. The first section primarily addresses the effects of natural disasters on environmental health conditions and services. In the second section, environmental health measures are described that should be undertaken in each of three time frames: the predisaster, disaster, and postdisaster periods.
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Chapter 10
excreta disposal in emergencies