In the event of an accident or medical emergency, First Aid saves lives. Keeping the patient alive and safe until the arrival of expert professional help is a vital part of the chain of care which leads to recovery. The principle of First Aid must be simple skills, clearly taught and capable of bein...g performed in a stressful situation by those with no medical training. This manual is intended to offer a basic level of First Aid for members of the general public.
The contents of this manual are offered as a first edition of European First Aid Guidelines for general use. As such they are compatible with current practise, with other specialist guidelines (for example regarding the management of burns) and with the evidence base where one exists. These guidelines will be updated on a regular basis by the JOIN Clinical Working Group.
Last updated on Oct 5, 2018.
Stroke happens either when the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off because of a blood clot, or when a brain
artery ruptures and leads to a haemorrhage. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, but most strokes can
be prevented by addressing a small number of key risk ...factors.
Clean and sustainable household energy and appliances, for cooking, heating and lighting can improve health, increase productivity, reduce poverty and protect the environment while addressing air pollution.
These key factors can help you live a longer, healthier life and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. They’re part of an overall healthy lifestyle and prevention approach you can build with your health care team (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other professionals).
Today’s children, and their children, are the ones who will live with the consequences of climate change.
Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
The world faces grave consequences from the lack of available mental health services and treatment. Mental illness impacts every country, culture and community, with the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that 10% of the global burden of disease is related to mental, neurological and substance ...use disorders. In low-and middle-income countries, more than 75% of people with mental disorders receive no treatment at all for their disorder. During 2020, as a result of the global pandemic, 93% of countries reported their mental health services were either halted or interrupted (WHO, 2020e). WHO reported a 25% increase in depression and anxiety alone during the pandemic. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development estimates depression and anxiety cost the global economy US $1 trillion dollars a year. All nurses have a health care role in mental health and substance use. ICN strongly advocates for the investment of further education and professional development in this area in order to support individuals and communities achieve the highest attainable standard of health which includes
physical, mental and social wellbeing.
· Relevant interventions
· HIV country profiles
· Adolescents country profiles
Breast cancer. Just reading those words can make many women worry. And that’s natural. Nearly everyone knows someone touched by the disease.
But there is a lot of good news about breast cancer these days. Treatments keep getting better, and we know more than ever about ways to prevent the disease.... These eight simple steps can help lower the risk of breast cancer. Not every one applies to every woman, but together they
can have a big impact. Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese
This report challenges policy-makers and political leaders to tackle fossil fuel production and consumption as a health control issue, in the same way that smoking has been reduced and regulated. Fossil fuel combustion is a major source of toxic air pollution that kills 7 million people every year, ...almost the same as the number of deaths caused by tobacco smoking.
In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognised air pollution as a major health risk factor. There is widespread public discussion about the effects of fossil fuel combustion and emissions on climate change… but what about the effect on our health? Climate change poses a threat not only to the health of the planet, but also to humans.
The case studies evaluated in this report offer examples of mechanisms that can be used to restrict the production and consumption of unhealthy commodities, so that the health, air pollution and climate communities can learn from one another, using shared approaches and language. These case studies show that the connection with health is a strong argument to support sustainable change.
World Health Organisation Report on the global Tobacco Epidemic Rwanda Country profile (2017)