BMC Public Health (2018) 18:668
This document provides guidelines and tools for monitoring the quality of outsourced viral load test results in India, defining processes and procedures as well as quality indicators and a monitoring checklist for assuring quality of services. Annexes include reporting forms and checklists for monit...oring visits.
Review Article
Granich et al. Int J Virol AIDS 2018, 5:043 DOI: 10.23937/2469-567X/1510043 Volume 5 | Issue 1
Report the Abuse fact sheet
The vision of the new Strategic Action Plan for Strengthening HIS in Myanmar 2017- 2021 is “A strong health information system for a strong health system”. The mission statement of HIS in Myanmar also developed during the strategic planning exercise is “Generating and making accessible compreh...ensive, integrated and timely health information for decision making at different levels of health system”. The goal of the HIS in Myanmar formulated during the assessment is “ To provide complete, valid, reliable and timely health information for making right decisions at the right time to ensure an equitable, effective, efficient and responsive health system”.
2nd edition. These guidelines provide guidance on the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection and the care of people living with HIV. They are structured along the continuum of HIV testing, prevention,... treatment and care
Research Article
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0164619 October 13, 2016
Technical Report
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics service
September 2016
The Ministry of Health has developed the first version of the Service Standards and Service Delivery Standards for the health sector in Uganda. The main objective is to provide a common understanding of what is expected by the public, service users and service providers in ensuring provision of cons...istently high quality service delivery. These standards also provide a roadmap for improving the quality, safety and reliability of healthcare in Uganda.
The application of these standards is expected to improve transparency and accountability in service delivery; fairness and equity in service provision; building a culture of quality management; regulation, management and control of public and private providers; and management of expectations of service recipients.
The growing challenges for people in low and middle-income countries to access new medicines.
Analysis 58
Jamieson D and Kellerman S. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016, 19:20917 |