A workshop methodology for children, young people and adults
The “Tree of Life” is a psychosocial support tool based on narrative practices that is designed to help participants accept the hardships of their past and identify the strengths that can help them achieve a better future. It uses th...e different parts of a tree as metaphors to represent the different parts of our lives. The workshop generally takes one day.
Participants draw their own “Tree of Life” in which they get to speak of their ‘roots” (where they come from), their skills and knowledge, their hopes and dreams and the special people in their lives
Weiterbildungsmöglichkeit zum psychosozialen Beratern um Geflüchtete zu beraten.
ie Malteser Werke und die Ipso gGmbH (International Psychosocial Organisation) freuen sich, mit einem neuen Kooperationsprojekt ab November 2018 gemeinsam die psychosoziale Versorgung von Geflüchteten und MigrantInn...en in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auszuweiten.
Hierbei sind Geflüchtete und MigrantInnen nicht nur Zielgruppe, sondern auch aktive Mitgestalter*Innen der Dienste – die Beratung findet von und für MigrantInnen in deren Muttersprache statt.
In einer 12-monatigen praxisorientierten Schulung am Standort Rostock werden motivierte und geeignete Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund durch Ipso zu psychosozialen Counselorn qualifiziert. Im Anschluss werden diese u.a. die Migrationsarbeit der Malteser Werke mit einem mehrsprachigen psychosozialen Beratungsangebot ergänzen. Eine fortlaufende fachliche Supervision durch psychologische Ipso-Fachkräfte sichert hierbei die Qualität der Arbeit.
Данный документ предназначен в первую очередь для работников здравоохранения. Поскольку социальные детерминанты нарушений психического здоровья и психосоциаль...ых проблем относятся ко многим различным секторам, каждый второй инструмент из предложенного набора охватывает вопросы оценки ОПЗПП, актуальные не только для здравоохранения, но и для других секторов. Настоящий документ призван помочь вам в сборе необходимой информации для того, чтобы оказывать более действенную поддержку людям, пострадавшим от гуманитарных кризисов.
Assessing mental health and psychosocial needs and resources: toolkit for humanitarian setting
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with depression.
• Recognize common symptoms of depression.
• Know the assessment principles of depression.
• Know the management principles of depression.
• Perform an assessment for depression.
• Use effective... communication skills in interactions with people with depression.
• Assess and manage physical health conditions as well as depression.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of depression (see Module: Self-harm/
• Provide psychosocial interventions for people with depression and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate, considering special
• Plan and perform follow-up for depression.
• Refer to specialists and link with outside services where appropriate and available.
Les Premiers secours psychologiques pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge ont été développés par
le Centre de Référence pour le soutien psychosocial de la FICR.
Il se compose :
• d'un Guide des premiers secours psychologiques pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et ...du Croissant-Rouge
• d'une Brève introduction aux premiers secours psychologiques pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
• d'une Formation aux premiers secours psychologiques pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge :
· Module 1. Une introduction aux 1ers SP (4 à 5 heures)
· Module 2. Éléments de base des 1ers SP (8 à 9 heures)
· Module 3. Les 1ers SP aux enfants (8 à 9 heures)
· Module 4. 1ers SP en groupe – Soutien aux équipes (21 heures – trois jours)
A smartphone app, the Humanitarian Hands-on Tool (HHoT), provides step-by-step practical guidance on how to implement a disability inclusive emergency response.
Developed and launched by CBM in 2017, the HHoT is free, easy to use, fully accessible and is the first application of its kind.
HHoT pr...ovides step-by-step guidance on how to adapt and improve emergency response by simple one-page guidance on how-to make humanitarian action inclusive and accessible to all people with disabilities. For the first time ever, the Tool also integrates Mental Health and Psychosocial Support throughout in a smartphone app targeted towards humanitarian aid.
iSupport is a self-help skills and training programme for carers of people with dementia. Worldwide, around 55 million people have dementia. Dementia causes significant psychological and emotional impact on families and carers. iSupport aims to prevent and/or decrease mental and physical health prob...lems associated with caregiving and to improve the quality of life of those caring for people with dementia.
iSupport was conceptualized and developed as an online training programme. However, in areas of the world with limited internet bandwidth or low digital literacy, the iSupport hardcopy manual can be printed and used offline.
In five modules, iSupport teaches carers what dementia is and how to respond to common challenges of caregiving. The five modules are (i) introduction to dementia; (ii) being a caregiver; (iii) caring for me; (iv) providing everyday care; and (v) dealing with behaviour changes.
Deutsche Version von Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners (PFA)
NGO “Ukrainian Professional Associationfor the Overcoming of Traumatic Events”, which operates the “Psychological Crisis Service” (“УкраїнськаАсоціаціяфахівцівзподоланнянаслідківпсихотравмуючихподій” operating “Псих...логічнаКризоваСлужба”).
The professional association has set itself the dual goals of 1) training professional and volunteers and 2) delivering care for individuals suffering psychological trauma: refugees, soldiers, their families and also hospital staff and volunteers needing psychological support
his manual is for people who have had no formal training in counselling but wish to learn the necessary components to establishing an effective counselling relationship. It will be useful for anyone who is involved in counselling people with a mental health problem.
h...is manual aims at providing counsellors with information about the basic skills required in counselling in a practical and simple to understand format. It is meant to accompany the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) and Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) manuals for counselling patients with depression and harmful/dependent drinking in primary care settings.
A group-based stress managment course for adults.
Self-Help Plus (SH+) is WHO’s 5-session stress management course for large groups of up to 30 people. It is delivered by supervised, non-specialist facilitators who complete a short training course and use pre-recorded audio and an illustrated gui...de (Doing What Matters in Times of Stress) to teach stress management skills. The course is suitable for adults who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances. It has been shown to reduce psychological distress and prevent the onset of mental disorders. The format of SH+ makes it well-suited for use alongside other mental health interventions, as a first step in a stepped care programme, or as a community intervention delivered alongside broader community programming.
Download the audio files in English directly from the WHO Website https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240035119
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with psychoses.
• Name common presentations of psychoses.
• Name assessment principles of psychoses.
• Name management principles of psychoses.
• Perform an assessment for psychoses.
• Use effective communicatio...n skills when interacting with a person psychoses.
• Assess and manage physical health concerns in psychoses.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of psychoses.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to persons with psychoses and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in psychoses
considering special populations.
• Plan and performs follow-up sessions for people with psychoses.
• Refer to specialist and links with outside agencies for psychoses as appropriate and
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know common presentations of children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know assessment principles of child and adolescents with mental ...and behavioural
• Know management principles of child and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with children and adolescents with
mental and behavioural disorders.
• Perform an assessment for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Assess and manage physical conditions of children with mental and behavioural
• Provide psychosocial interventions to children and adolescents with mental and
behavioural disorders and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate to children and
adolescents with mental and behavioural disorders.
• Plan and perform follow-up for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Refer to specialists and link children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
disorders with outside agencies where available.
Psychosoziale Arbeit und psychosoziale Ansätze haben in den letzten 10 Jahren in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZ) immer stärkere Verbreitung gefunden. Es gibt heute kein Krisen- und Konfliktgebiet mehr, wo nicht auch über Trauma und über die emotionale Verfasstheit der Opfer gesprochen wi...rd. Gerade im Zusammenhang mit der Anerkennung der Notwendigkeit genderbewusste Konflikttransformationsprozesse in der Projektarbeit zu unterstützen, sind psychosoziale Konzepte und Methoden immer wichtiger geworden. Dennoch ist bei vielen MitarbeiterInnen der IZ nach wie vor wenig bekannt, was mit psychosozial eigentlich gemeint ist. Während die Literatur über Trauma umfangreich, aber unübersichtlich und widersprüchlich ist, fehlt es nach wie vor an knappen und auf die IZ bezogenen Einführungen in die psychosoziale Thematik.
Die Arbeitshilfe kann über die Webseite http://www.deza.admin.ch/de/Home/Themen/Konfliktprävention_Transformati... in englischer, spanischer, französischer und russischer Sprache heruntergeladen werden. Die Arbeitshilfe kann in deutscher Sprache über den unten angegebenen link heruntergeladen werden.
A trauma resilience activity for CRS-WARO Action for the Protection and Integration of Migrants in Africa w(APIMA)
Formation en Premiers Secours Psychologiques aux enfants : 2 jours
Gestion du stress du personnel : 1 journée