This diagnostic and treatment manual is designed for use by medical professionals involved in curative care at the dispensary and hospital levels. We have tried to respond in the simplest and most practical way possible to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulate...d field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized works in each field.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic
July 2019
Policy brief
HIV Treatment
This document is for humanitarian health actors working at national and sub-national level in countries facing humanitarian emergencies. It applies to Health Cluster partners, including governmental and non-governmental health service providers.
Based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psy...chosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007), it gives an overview of essential knowledge that humanitarian health actors should have about mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian emergencies.
This document by the IASC Reference Group for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support was developed in consultation with the IASC Global Health Cluster.
Operational Guidelines for Planning and Implementation in District Hospitals
Volume 1 covers emergency triage assessment and treatment, and acute care for a severely ill or acutely injured patient for approximately the first 24 hours of care. It describes the clinical procedures commonly used in emergency and acute care, and gives a summary of the medicines used and the step...s necessary for infection control.
Gestion de la Pharmacie dans les Centres de Santé au niveau périphérique
Manual book of field hospital management in case of natural disaster in Indonesia
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 19, No. 9, September 2013
BMC Medicine (2015) 13:42 DOI 10.1186/s12916-014-0263-6
Examination of the business behavior of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in India
6th edition, 2010. | Published in collaboration with World Health Organisation and Clinton Health Access Initiative.