Pharm - Ed
La solution hydro-alcoolique (SHA) pour l'hygiène des mains fait partie de la liste OMS des médicaments essentiels. La production locale de la SHA est une alternative aux produits commercialisés. Bien qu'elle soit adaptée aux contextes avec ressour...ces limitées, il est essentiel de respecter les règles de bonnes pratiques de fabrication afin de garantir la qualité, l'efficacité et la sécurité du produit.
Cette vidéo pédagogique complète la leçon e-learning sur la formulation et la fabrication de la solution hydro-alcooliquedisponible gratuitement en lciquant sur le lien suivant: https://pharmed.datapharma.ch/courses.... Les protocoles de fabrication, la liste du matériel nécessaire pour la production, les modèles de compte-rendu de fabrication sont également disponible gratuitement sur la plate-forme Pharm-Ed
Vous pouvez désormais suivre pas à pas les étapes de préparation et du contrôle qualité de la SHA en visionnant les chapitres suivants:
00:00 Introduction
01:12 Documentation
01:55 Habillage
03:16 Préparation de la place de travail
04:41 Mesure
07:19 Mélange
09:52 Contrôle qualité
13:45 Conditionnement et étiquetage
15:41 Mise en quarantaine et nettoyage
Pour d'avantage d'informations rendez-vous sur
Pharm-Ed est une initiative de la Pharmacie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève en Suisse.
Les infections associées aux soins sont les complications les plus fréquentes qui affectent les patients hospitalisés. L'hygiène des mains est la plus efficace des mesures préventives de ces infections. Cependant, l'observance à ce geste simple parmi les professionnels médico-soignants reste ...faible, souvent inférieure à 40 %. L'hygiène des mains est essentielle à la pratique des soins de tous les professionnels médico-soignants
Introduction Pharmacovigilance (PV) systems to monitor drug and vaccine safety are often inadequate in sub-Saharan
Africa. In Malawi, a PV enhancement initiative was introduced to address major barriers to PV.
Objective The objective of this initiative was to improve reporting of adverse events (A...Es) by strengthening passive safety
surveillance via PV training and mentoring of local PV stakeholders and healthcare providers (HCPs) at their own healthcare
facilities (HCFs).
Methods An 18-month PV training and mentoring programme was implemented in collaboration with national stakeholders,
and in partnership with the Ministry of Health, GSK and PATH. Two-day training was provided to Expanded Programme on
Immunisation coordinators, identified as responsible for AE reporting, and four National Regulatory Authority representa-
tives. Abridged PV training and mentoring were provided regularly to HCPs. Support was given in upgrading the national
PV system. Key performance indicators included the number of AEs reported, transmission of AE forms, completeness of
reports, serious AEs reported and timeliness of recording into VigiFlow.
Results In 18 months, 443 HCPs at 61 HCFs were trained. The number of reported AEs increased from 22 (January 2000 to
October 2016) to 228 (November 2016 to May 2018), enabling Malawi to become a member of the World Health Organization
Programme for International Drug Monitoring. Most (98%) AE report forms contained mandatory information on reporter,
event, patient and product, but under 1% were transmitted to the national PV office within 48 h.
Conclusion Regular PV training and mentoring of HCPs were effective in enhancing passive safety surveillance in Malawi,
but the transmission of reports to the national PV centre requires further improvement.
First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care
The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care provide health-care workers (HCWs), hospital administrators and health authorities with a thorough review of evidence on hand hygiene in health care and specific recommendations to impro...ve practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to patients and HCWs. The present Guidelines are intended to be implemented in any situation in which health care is delivered either to a patient or to a specific group in a population. Therefore, this concept applies to all settings where health care is permanently or occasionally performed, such as home care by birth attendants.
Confronted with the important issue of patient safety, in 2002 the Fifty-fifth World Health Assembly adopted a resolution urging countries to pay the closest possible attention to the problem and to strengthen safety and monitoring systems. In May 2004, the Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly approv...ed the creation of an international alliance as a global initiative to improve patient safety. The World Alliance for Patient Safety was launched in October 2004 and currently has its place in the WHO Patient Safety programme included in the Information, Evidence and Research Cluster.
Nurses are critical to quality of care. They practice patient empathy and strong communication to impact patient safety and improve patient satisfaction. On this internet platform you can find an online guide for quality of care.
This guide provides detailed insights and resources on the following ...topics:
- A Look At Ways That Nurses Can Impact Quality of Care
- Statistics about The Most Common Places Where Nurses Work in the US
- An Overview of the Impact of Nurses in Healthcare Settings
- A Look At Delivering Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare
- Key Aspects of Patient Satisfaction
- Ways to Practice Patient Empathy in a Healthcare Setting
- How Person-Centered Healthcare Leads to Better Health Outcomes
- And much more!
You can also download a brochure if you get registered.
All health workers require knowledge and skills to care for patients safely and protect themselves from undue harm. This course was developed due to the enormous emphasis placed on need for safe provision of oxygen to patients with COVID-19, but can be used for conditions beyond COVID-19. This cours...e teaches how to choose the right equipment for your facility, how to set up new respiratory equipment, how to clinically use respiratory equipment, how to maintain equipment, including troubleshooting, repairs and infection prevention and control, and how to decommission equipment.
Efficient triage of patients with COVID-19 at all health facility levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) will help the national response planning and case management system cope with patient influx, direct necessary medical resources to efficiently support the critically ill and protect the safety... of health-care workers. The objective of this algorithm is to give overall guidance for the triage and referral of symptomatic COVID-19 patients. Intended for use by ministries of health, hospital administrators and health workers involved in response planning for COVID-19 and/or patient triage, management and referral, this algorithm provides a general framework to be adapted to local health systems in countries.
In preparing this paper, the Pharmacovigilance Group of the Pan American Health Organization’s Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) adopted the perspective of PAHO/WHO, which considers Pharmacovigilance, an essential component of public health programs. Its intention was... to facilitate the development of pharmacovigilance systems in the Region of the Americas and improve, strengthen, and promote the adoption of good practices to improve safety for patients and the general population, based on the needs of the Region.
Document also available in Spanish and Portuguese!
Nurses play a critical role in patient care, detecting potential problems, and advocating for a culture of safety. NSO and our insurance carrier partner, CNA, designed this self-assessment checklist based on significant topics from our Nurse Claim Report to help nurses enhance patient safety and min...imize your liability exposure.
Infection prevention and control practices need to be implemented to guarantee the safety of healthcare workers and patients in healthcare settings, it is fundamental to prevent cross contamination and containment of spread of COVID 19. As of the day of this publication, the following precautions ar...e recommended for the care of patients with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19: - For any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19: standard + contact + droplet precautions. -For any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 and Aerosol Generated Procedure: standard + contact + airborne precautions. - The results of the application of this evaluation tool, in addition to other tools, will provide an overview regarding compliance with the activities of prevention and control of infections associated with provision of care in acute healthcare services in a health setting, without making judgments about the individual risk of patients, nor on particular cases. By its nature, this tool is only an external diagnostic to support IPC professionals and managers to assess the gaps and take corrective measures. To provide a tool for assessment of infection prevention and control practices in isolation areas in acute healthcare settings in the context of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). These recommendations are preliminary and subject to review as new evidence becomes available.
This core package of materials provides a comprehensive introduction to the FAST strategy: a focused approach to stopping TB spread in congregate settings. In English, FAST stands for:
Finding TB cases
Separating safely, and
Treating effectively.
FAST focuses health care workers on ...the most important TB transmission control intervention: effective treatment.
FAST can also be extrapolated to national policy where it serves as a framework for allocating resources to interventions that will have the greatest impact on reducing TB transmission.
This core package is composed of a booklet, job aids, posters, and a button which serves as a visual reminder to staff and patients of the importance of this strategy in TB control. FAST can be implemented in both general and TB specific medical settings.
For full package visit: https://drtbnetwork.org/fast-tb-infection-control-strategy-core-package
This document is intended to guide the care of COVID-19 patients as the response capacity of health systems is challenged; to ensure that COVID-19 patients can access life-saving treatment, without compromising public health objectives and safety of health workers.
It promotes two key messages:
1. Key public health interventions regardless of transmission scenario; and
2. Key action steps to be taken by transmission scenario to enable timely surge of clinical operations.
This core package of materials provides a comprehensive introduction to the FAST strategy: a focused approach to stopping TB spread in congregate settings. In English, FAST stands for:
Finding TB cases
Separating safely, and
Treating effectively.
FAST focuses health care workers on ...the most important TB transmission control intervention: effective treatment.
FAST can also be extrapolated to national policy where it serves as a framework for allocating resources to interventions that will have the greatest impact on reducing TB transmission.
This core package is composed of a booklet, job aids, posters, and a button which serves as a visual reminder to staff and patients of the importance of this strategy in TB control. FAST can be implemented in both general and TB specific medical settings.
For full package visit: https://drtbnetwork.org/fast-tb-infection-control-strategy-core-package