Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Accessed: 08.04.2020
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Accessed: 08.04.2020
Leishmaniasis is a complex vector-borne disease involving in its transmission several species of protozoan parasites called Leishmania, a wide variety of animal reservoirs and phlebotomine sandflies vectors. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is the most common form of the disease, and its clinical manife...stations vary from few papules to multiple ulcers affecting the skin but also the mucous membranes, leaving permanent scars and serious disability. It is a disfiguring and stigmatizing disease that often has a devastating psychosocial and economic impact on the affected resources limited communities.
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030 (“the road map”) sets explicit targets for the elimination of onchocerciasis by 2030, including eliminating the need for mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin in at least... one focus in 34 countries, in more than 50% of the population in at least 16 countries, and in the entire endemic population in at least 12 countries. The road map also targets interruption of onchocercal transmission in 12 countries by 2030. Achieving these targets and milestones will require a number of critical actions. These include establishing a well-coordinated global partnership to connect stakeholders and existing partnerships at all levels in order to improve coordination and collaboration, accelerate technical progress, implement a harmonized research agenda and enhance service delivery.
Lack of trained providers capable of identifying which labouring women could benefit from assisted vaginal birth (AVB), and of safely performing the procedure is a major barrier for its use. Education and training are, therefore, considered crucial for building skills and confidence in conducting AV...B and there is evidence that it would be welcomed by healthcare providers. However, acquiring and maintaining AVB skills is a complex task that requires a supportive environment, mentorship, supervision and accountability. As with other practices to manage infrequent procedures and complications, continuous education and on-site supervision are essential to ensure the safe and sustainable use of AVB.
Results of the humanitarian needs assessment in the Kharkiv region - Winter period October 8-10, 2022
91 in-person surveys of heads of household, 91 households, 245 adult household members, 76 minor children (0-18 years)
A new survey on the impact of the floods in Pakistan on older people reveals that hundreds of lives are needlessly being put at risk due to the decimation of health services and the rise of diseases like malaria and diarrhoea, which can be killers to older people with weaker immune systems.
The war is having a devastating impact on health and human capital in Ukraine and is expected to affect generations to come. The most obvious effects on health are immediate: an estimated 4,339 conflict-related deaths and 5,246 people injured. Less visible is the illness caused, and exacerbated, by ...people not being able to access care for acute and chronic conditions.
Unprecedented humanitarian needs, the COVID-19 pandemic, a worsening economic crisis, and funding shortfalls converge to create life-threatening challenges for people in need throughout the region.
In March 2022, the Syria crisis entered its 12th year, marking another grim milestone for Syrians t...hroughout the region. For women and girls, the cumulative impact has been catastrophic, upending decades of progress on women’s issues and bringing unprecedented risks that have fundamentally altered their realities.
Planetary Health needs frequent monitoring of global environmental changes and global land cover and land use - Power Point presentation
You can find the full text on the website (Source link)
The Lancet. 1 December 2020. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32340-0.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to produce a global estimate of the need for rehabilitation services and to show that at least one in every three people in the world needs rehabilitation at some point in the course of their ...illness or injury. This number counters the common view of rehabilitation as a service required by only few people. We argue that rehabilitation needs to be brought close to communities as an integral part of primary health care to reach more people in need.
Experiences and recommendations from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Measures imposed by governments to prevent the spread of the disease, including lockdown restrictions, quarantines, physical distancing, and their economic and social consequences, further increase this dist...ress and the risk of mental health problems.
The aim of this document is to support public health preparedness planning with regard to personal protective equipment (PPE) needs in healthcare settings where patients suspected or confirmed to have been infected with the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV are being treated.
Live Life positively
Know your HIV status
Accessed: 03.03.2020
En los últimos cinco años y como parte del ciclo programático humanitario, se han identificado las personas con necesidades en Colombia (anual) en un esfuerzo conjunto de los socios del Equipo Humanitario de País, en coordinación con otras contrapartes del Estado. La afectación histórica de m...illones de personas por diferentes emergencias humanitarias, como consecuencia del conflicto, la violencia y eventos de desastres naturales, ha requerido la presencia e intervención complementaria al Estado, por parte de organizaciones humanitarias tanto nacionales como internacionales. Después de cuatro años de Diálogos de Paz entre el Gobierno y las FARC-EP se dio la firma de un Acuerdo, el cual debía también representar el alivio humanitario en muchas regiones golpeadas; no obstante, el deterioro de la situación humanitaria interna en Colombia, se refleja en más de 5.1 millones de personas con necesidades, como lo podremos evidenciar en este documento.
The full report you can download under
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The Kenya Strategic AIDS Framework IV prioritises key populations for interventions