PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
Objective: To review the effectiveness of antibiotic stewardship interventions in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries.
Lancet Planet Health 2022;6: e760–68
The emergence of COVID-19 has drawn the attention of health researchers sharply back to the role that food systems can play in generating human disease burden. But emerging pandemic threats are just one dimension of the complex relationship between agriculture... and infectious disease, which is evolving rapidly, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) that are undergoing rapid food system transformation. This changing relationship is examined through four current disease issues.
This report provides an analysis of donor government funding to address the HIV response in low- and
middle-income countries in 2022, the latest year available, as well as trends over time. It includes both
bilateral funding from donors and their contributions to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tub...erculosis and
Malaria (Global Fund), UNITAID, and UNAIDS. Overall, the analysis shows that while donor government
funding for HIV increased between 2021 and 2022, this was primarily due to the timing of payments from
the U.S. government and not actual increases in commitments.
Donor government disbursements to combat HIV in low- and middle-income countries totaled US$8 billion in 2018, little changed from the US$8.1 billion total in 2017 and from the levels of a decade ago, finds a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and the Joint United Nations Programme o...n HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Health sector reforms not only require attention to specific components but also a supportive environment. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), there is still much to be done on ensuring that people receive prioritized healthcare services. Despite LIMCs spending an average of 6% of their GDP... on health, there have been minimal impacts compared to high-income countries. Health sector reform is a gradual process with complex systems; hence, the need for a vision and long-term strategies to realize the desired goals. In this chapter, we present our proposal to advance universal health coverage (UHC) in LMICs. Overall, our main aim is to provide strategies for achieving actual UHC and not aspirational UHC in LMICs by strengthening health systems, improving health insurance coverage and financial protection, and reducing disparities in healthcare coverage especially on prioritized health problems, and enhancing a primary care-oriented healthcare system.
Burns are a global public health problem, accounting for close to 200,000 deaths annually. The majority of these occur in low- and middle-income countries, where a number of constraints complicate the public health task of addressing burns. While the primary prevention of burns in low- and middle-in...come countries is a pressing need, the World Health Organization (WHO) also actively encourages further development of burn-care systems, including the training of health-care providers in the appropriate triage and management of people with burns.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent the highest burden of disease globally. Medicines are a critical intervention used to prevent and treat CVD. This review describes access to medication for CVD from a health system perspective and strategies that have been used to promote access, including pro...viding medicines at lower cost, improving medication supply, ensuring medicine quality, promoting appropriate use, and managing intellectual property issues. Using key evidence in published and gray literature and systematic reviews, we summarize advances in access to cardiovascular medicines using the 5 health system dimensions of access: availability, affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of medicines. There are multiple barriers to access of CVD medicines, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Low availability of CVD medicines has been reported in public and private healthcare facilities. When patients lack insurance and pay out of pocket to purchase medicines, medicines can be unaffordable. Accessibility and acceptability are low for medicines used in secondary prevention; increasing use is positively related to country income. Fixed-dose combinations have shown a positive effect on adherence and intermediate outcome measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol. We have a new opportunity to improve access to CVD medicines by using strategies such as efficient procurement of low-cost, quality-assured generic medicines, development of fixed-dose combination medicines, and promotion of adherence through insurance schemes that waive copayment for long-term medications. Monitoring progress at all levels, institutional, regional, national, and international, is vital to identifying gaps in access and implementing adequate policies.
Heart failure (HF) is a leading global public health problem with >64 million prevalent cases globally. Patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) from low- and middle-income countries experience a 22% to 58% higher 1-year mortality rate than those in high-income countries.1 Guideline-d...irected medical therapy (GDMT) consisting of ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARB (angiotensin receptor blockers) or ARNI (angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitors), β-blockers, MRA (mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists), and SGLT2 (sodium-glucose cotransporter 2) inhibitors substantially reduces mortality among patients with HFrEF. These medicines are among the most cost-effective interventions and are thus included as the highest priority health system interventions recommended by the Disease Control Priorities Project.2 Despite this high-quality evidence, GDMT remains widely underutilized in low- and middle-income countries resulting in widespread undertreatment of patients with HFrEF due to health system-, provider-, and patient-level barriers.1 National essential medicines lists (EMLs) promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) guide countries on which medications to purchase in the setting of limited resources and have resulted in higher procurement and availability of essential medicines in the public sector.3 We provide a cross-sectional analysis of national EMLs in 53 low- and middle-income countries, and availability, price, and affordability of GDMT in select countries to identify potential barriers to access to these essential medicines for patients with HFrEF.
Many vaccines and drugs hold the promise of reducing mortality and morbidity among pregnant women and infants living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, sufficient information on the safety of drugs and vaccines in pregnant women is rarely available at the time of product licensure... or approval. To account for this, active safety surveillance efforts are needed during the post-licensure and post-approval
phase to assess the safety of drugs and vaccines in pregnant women and their offspring. Pregnancy exposure registries (PER) are used to monitor the safety of vaccines and drugs. PERs are observational studies that systematically collect health information on exposure to medical products such as drugs and vaccines during pregnancy. This review demonstrates that a number of resources presently exist in LMICs that perform active safety surveillance in pregnant populations. These results indicate such systems employ a wide variety of approaches, each with their own set of strengths and challenges, as summarized in the final section of the report.
The article "Can we prevent cardiovascular diseases in low- and middle-income countries?" by Claude Lenfant discusses the growing threat of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in developing countries. It highlights that while CVD is already the leading cause of death globally, low- and middle-income coun...tries are now facing rising CVD rates due to lifestyle changes associated with urbanization and economic growth. Lenfant advocates for a dual approach: identifying and treating high-risk individuals and promoting broad, population-wide prevention efforts focused on lifestyle changes such as reducing smoking, lowering salt intake, and increasing physical activity. He emphasizes that early, affordable preventive measures are essential to mitigate the impending CVD epidemic in these countries and prevent significant healthcare and economic strain.
A technical guide for sputum smear microscopy, initiated by the International Union against Tuberculosis, is designed to be an easy to use reference standard for the collection, storage and transport of sputum specimens and for the examination of sputum smears by direct microscopy. This edition incl...udes updates addressing bio-safety and quality assurance aspects of sputum smear microscopy.
Bull World Health Organ 2017;95:594–598
This online training is based on the Global Laboratory Initiative’s “Guide for providing technical support to TB laboratories in low- and middle-income countries”. This guide is intended to familiarize those who are providing technical assistance to TB laboratories in low- and middle-income co...untries with WHO recommendations and international best practices.
A systematic literature review of education systems in low-and middle income countries commissioned by CBM
Policy and systems. Global Mental Health(2017),4, e7, page 1 of 6. doi:10.1017/gmh.2017.3