A National Service Programme for All Children with Special Needs and their Families
In Myanmar, we estimate that at least 40% of children require ECI services for short to longer periods of time. At present, 35.1% of Myanmar children are moderately to severely stunted; all of these children are l...ikely to have one or more developmental delays. In addition, at least 5% to 12% of the nation’s children will be identified to have disabilities, chronic diseases or atypical behaviours.
Over time, approximately 70% of the children who will be served will improve in their development, attain expected levels of development for their age, and will consolidate their gains within one to two years. Other children, approximately 30%, will have lifelong disabilities or other conditions, and ECI services usually greatly improve their development and help them to achieve their full potential.
Neurological, Psychiatric, and Developmental Disorders: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nervous System Disorders in Developing Countries.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001.
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with psychoses.
• Name common presentations of psychoses.
• Name assessment principles of psychoses.
• Name management principles of psychoses.
• Perform an assessment for psychoses.
• Use effective communicatio...n skills when interacting with a person psychoses.
• Assess and manage physical health concerns in psychoses.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of psychoses.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to persons with psychoses and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in psychoses
considering special populations.
• Plan and performs follow-up sessions for people with psychoses.
• Refer to specialist and links with outside agencies for psychoses as appropriate and
This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity (from uncomplicated intoxication and harmful use to obvious psychotic disorders and dementia), but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances (which may or may not have been medically prescribed)
The purpose of the situation assessment was to execute a situation analysis for Autism and Neurodevelopment Disorder (NDD) in Bangladesh. The situation assessment covers the following areas: a review of the scale and prevalence of NDD with trends of the disorder in the recent past in Bangladesh (see... page 17); estimation of likely disease burden in the near future (see page 27); assessment of the social response to NDD in Bangladesh (see page 67); overview of the support and services required by persons with NDD (see page 79); an inventory of service providers working with NDD in Bangladesh (see page 85); an assessment of the adequacy of the existing services and support available for addressing NDD in country (see page 97); an overview of the role and preparedness of MOHFW and other stakeholders in addressing NDD in Bangladesh (see page 108); recommendations for monitoring, supervision and reporting mechanisms for NDD services at the national level (see page 167); and recommended key activities that should be undertaken by the Health and other relevant ministries in the short and medium term (see page 167).
As part of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme, WHO has developed training manuals (Training of trainers and supervisors training manual and Training of health-care providers training manual) to support implementation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use (MNS...) disorders in non-specialized health settings, version 2.0. These manuals can be used to build capacity among non-specialist health-care providers in the assessment and management of people with priority MNS conditions in low resource settings.
Trouble de l'humeur
Chapitre E.3
Edition en français Traduction : Xavier Benarous
Sous la direction de : David Cohen
Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Externalising disorders
Chapter D.2
Chapter J.2
This manual is a guide to the assessment and management of children and adolescents
with developmental, behavioural and emotional problems. It has been written mainly for
primary care professionals, especially primary care physicians and nurses, working in lowand
middle-income countries.
This article identifies the three core defining characteristics of healing environments for children and young people who have been exposed to chronic adversity and trauma. A large body of evidence highlights the pervasive and devastating developmental impacts of such exposure but there is also emer...ging evidence about the elements of living and learning environments that foster recovery and resilience. The Three Pillars framework has been developed to inform and empower those who live with or work with these young people but who are not necessarily engaged in formal therapy.
Rabies is a fatal viral disease, but is preventable in humans. The rabies virus is transmitted to humans through virus-laden saliva from a rabid animal, mostly dogs. The virus is shed in the saliva of an infected animal and can be introduced into another body through bites, scratches and any other ...wounds that transect the skin. Contact of the infected saliva with mucous membranes is also thought to be a possible route of infection, whereas contact of infected saliva with intact skin is not considered an exposure. Rabies is preventable through pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for individuals at high and continual risk, and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).