Die Infoblätter können kostenlos auf der Webseite http://www.lgl.bayern.de/gesundheit/infektionsschutz/asylbewerber_gesundheit/index.htm unter dem Punkt "Asylbewerber und Gesundheit" heruntergeladen werden. Weitere Versionen in folgenden Sprachen dort erhältlich: Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Englisch, ...Französisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Kroatisch, Polnisch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Serbisch (kyrillische oder lateinische Schrift), Spanisch, Türkisch, Ungarisch.
Also available in English, Bulgarian, German, French, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (kyrillic or latin), Spanish, Turkish, Hungarian on http://www.lgl.bayern.de/gesundheit/infektionsschutz/asylbewerber_gesundheit/index.htm under the section "Asylbewerber und Gesundhei...t".
Informationsbroschüre für Patienten und Ärzte in Bildern | Hastalar ve doktorlar için resimli bilgilendirme broşürü | Информационная брошюра для пациентов и врачей в картинках.
kostenloser Download (20 mB!)
Information leaflets can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.lgl.bayern.de/gesundheit/infektionsschutz/asylbewerber_gesundheit/index.htm under the section "Asylbewerber und Gesundheit". Also available in following language versions: Arabic, Bulgarian, German, French, Greek, Italian, Croati...an, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (kyrillic or latin), Spanish, Turkish, Hungarian.
Also available in Arabic, German, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Other language versions can be found on the website of the German liver foundation: http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de/hilfe/informationsmaterialien/faltblätter.
A fact sheet about hepatitis B and its link with liver cancer. It is available in the following languages: English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese on the website: http://www.hepbhelp.org.au/index.asp?PageID=7
The Zambia Population Based HIV impact assessment of 2016, reported the prevalence of viral hepatitis in Zambia as ranging between 5.6% among adults aged 15 to 59% in the general population, and 7.1% among HIV infected individuals. It is estimated that the majority of persons with chronic hepatitis ...B and/ or hepatitis C are unware of their infection and do not benefit from promotive, preventive and curative services designed to reduce onward transmission. Zambia introduced hepatitis B virus vaccine to the routine Under 5 vaccination schedule in 2005. Preliminary results from the ZAMPHIA indicate that hundreds of infections have been abated in children since then. However, its also clear that we continue to miss key opportunities to prevent transmission, diagnose and treat infections, prevent serious disease, and in many cases cure people. In addition, high risk groups inter alia health care workers still have limited access to the vaccine.
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