These are standing orders for eligible nurses and healthcare professionals to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to persons 18 years of age and older
22 December 2020
The COVID-19 vaccine safety guidance manual has been developed upon recommendation and guidance of GACVS members, as well as by experts incorporating current and available information critical to all stakeholders when COVID-19 vaccines will be introduced.
For ease of use, the man...ual is available in a compiled form and in several separate modules that can be consulted individually. For each module, specific training material is also available to facilitate implementation.
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 29.
This document provides answers to FAQs healthcare providers and staff may have about COVID-19 vaccines
13 July 2021
The module provides an overview of factors to consider when monitoring the safety of COVID-19 vaccines administered to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It describes how national routine AEFI surveillance should be adapted to cater for this specific group of population using both pass...ive and active surveillance methods. Specific considerations and limitations of each method are provided as well as tools for implementation.
Interim Guidance October 2022. This addendum addresses some of the methodological aspects of VE evaluations that have been learned during the past year, as well as those that have become relevant in the current epidemiological setting of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some of the COVID-19 vaccine method...ology issues there are still insufficient data to make a recommendation, in which case different options for approaching VE evaluations are presented.
First Revised Edition
March 2000
Document No. : FDA/SMC/CTD/GL-CCT/2013/01