Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz . 2021 Jan 29;115:e200287. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760200287. eCollection 2021. Sensitivity and negative predictive value were directly affected by sample storage conditions. RT-PCR and virus isolation showed greater dependence on well-conserved samples for an accurate diagnosis
The Operational guide: use of referral laboratories for the analysis of foodborne hazards in the Pacific aims to strengthen the food analysis capacity of Pacific Island countries and areas by identifying national and reference laboratories capable of testing for priority foodborne hazards. The Pacif...ic Island countries and areas are often vulnerable to food safety incidents and emergencies due to their geographical distribution and dependence on food imports. The guide outlines key considerations for selecting referral laboratories and submitting samples to them, enabling continuous improvement of food safety systems and providing safe food for all. The target audiences are health and food safety authorities.
Alcohol has historically, and continues to, hold an important role in social engagement and bonding for many. Social drinking or moderate alcohol consumption for many is pleasurable.
However, alcohol consumption – especially in excess – is linked to a number of negative outcomes: as a risk fa...ctor for diseases and health impacts, crime, road incidents, and, for some, alcohol dependence.
This topic page looks at the data on global patterns of alcohol consumption, patterns of drinking, beverage types, the prevalence of alcoholism, and consequences, including crime, mortality, and road incidents.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on opioid overdose highlights the significant global health issue posed by opioids, which include natural, semi-synthetic, and synthetic compounds used primarily for pain management. Misuse and unsupervised use can lead to dependence and severe health probl...ems. In 2019, approximately 600,000 deaths were attributed to drug use, with nearly 80% related to opioids; about 25% of these were due to overdose. An opioid overdose is characterized by pinpoint pupils, unconsciousness, and breathing difficulties. The fact sheet emphasizes the importance of increasing access to naloxone, an opioid antagonist that can rapidly reverse overdose effects, and advocates for training individuals likely to witness an overdose in its administration. It also underscores the need for comprehensive strategies, including preventive measures, treatment for opioid dependence, and policies to reduce opioid availability.
The pamphlet "Prescription Benzodiazepines" explains the uses, effects, and risks of benzodiazepines, commonly prescribed for insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks. It describes how these drugs enhance GABA activity to suppress brain activity, leading to short-term effects like drowsiness and anxiety... relief, but also potential long-term risks such as dependence, addiction, and withdrawal symptoms. The pamphlet highlights abuse methods, including combining benzodiazepines with other substances, which increases the risk of overdose, and emphasizes the importance of medical supervision for withdrawal management.
Psychoactive drugs are substances that, when taken in or administered into one's system, affect mental processes, e.g. perception, consciousness, cognition or mood and emotions. Psychoactive drugs belong to a broader category of psychoactive substances that include also alcohol and nicotine. “Psy...choactive” does not necessarily imply dependence-producing, and in common parlance, the term is often left unstated, as in “drug use”, “substance use” or “substance abuse”.
his manual is for people who have had no formal training in counselling but wish to learn the necessary components to establishing an effective counselling relationship. It will be useful for anyone who is involved in counselling people with a mental health problem. manual aims at providing counsellors with information about the basic skills required in counselling in a practical and simple to understand format. It is meant to accompany the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) and Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) manuals for counselling patients with depression and harmful/dependent drinking in primary care settings.
Há três objetivos preliminares desse estudo de transmissão doméstica: 1. Para compreender melhor a extensão da transmissão doméstica estimando a taxa de infecção secundária1 para contatos domésticos em uma maneira individual, e fatores associados com qualquer variação no risco secundá da infecção. 2. Para caraterizar casos secundários incluindo a escala da apresentação clínica, fatores de risco para a infecção, a extensão e a fração de infecções assintomáticas. 3. Para caraterizar a resposta sorológica que segue a infecção confirmada pelo 2019-nCoV (altamente incentivado, mas opcional dependendo da capacidade e dos recursos do laboratório).
Entretanto, à luz da possível introdução de um caso suspeito relacionado ao COVID-19 na Região das Américas, a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS) recomenda que os Estados-membros garantam sua identificação oportuna, o envio de amostras a laborat...rios nacionais ou de referência e a implementação do protocolo de detecção molecular do COVID-19, dependendo da capacidade do laboratório. Até à data, o potencial patogênico e a dinâmica de transmissão do COVID-19 não são completamente claros. Por esta razão e à luz do conhecimento de outros vírus semelhantes (MERS-CoV, SRA-CoV), é necessário manter e reforçar as medidas de biossegurança e os equipamentos de proteção individual para o trabalho com amostras suspeitas de infecção com patógenos respiratórios.
Caregivers provide invaluable service and support to patients in health facilities. In many health systems, caregivers (often members of the patient’s family or friends) are responsible for providing basic care for a patient, including providing food and drinks, cleaning clothes and bed linen, as ...well as supporting basic activities for daily living, such as washing or using the toilet. Small children and infants who are dependent on caregivers for performing essential daily activities require similar assistance while being treated in a health care facility. Such care is also a priority for people approaching the end of life, as patients and relatives increasingly spend time together at this critical stage.
The threats posed by climate change to agriculture are now well known. Climate change has already resulted in a negative trend in mean crop yield per decade, and this is likely to continue as the century unfolds. In Africa, 650 million people are currently dependent on rain- fed agriculture and, des...pite progress in the Millennium Development Goals, food and nutrition insecurity remainunacceptably high.
The Strategy provides a high-level unifying framework to leverage existing capacities, address barriers and strengthen the use of genomic surveillance in the detection, monitoring and response to public health threats. Genomic surveillance is part of the broader surveillance and laboratory system, a...nd its implementation should reinforce end-to-end capacities including sample collection, diagnostics, data sharing and analysis. The strategy aims to facilitate the connectivity between different disease control programs and surveillance networks. This interoperability will strengthen the cross-cutting essential public health laboratory functions underpinning genomics holistically. The strategy articulates the overarching goal, objectives and strategic actions needed. These are dependent on commitments from countries, partners and WHO for their implementation.
The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) has proved remarkably tenacious, despite attempts spanning nearly a century to eliminate it. Nevertheless, a number of countries have seen some declines in the practice – at least up until the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of which is yet to be fully... understood. Other changes in FGM are also evident. These include shifts in attitudes and in the ways the procedure is being carried out.
As the world rallies to accelerate progress against FGM, understanding what drives change in how people think about the practice and act is key to its elimination. Education is one such driver. It is an important mechanism to increase awareness of the dangers of FGM and of groups that do not practise it. Education also fosters questioning and discussion and provides opportunities for individuals to take on social roles that are not dependent on the practice of FGM for acceptance.
Self-care interventions are among the most promising and exciting new approaches to improve health and well-being, both from a health systems perspective and for people who use these interventions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the following working definition of self-care: Self-care i...s the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker. The scope of self-care as described in this definition includes health promotion; disease prevention and control; self-medication; providing care to dependent persons; seeking hospital/specialist/primary care if necessary; and rehabilitation, including palliative care. It includes a range of self-care modes and approaches. While this is a broad definition that includes many activities, it is important for health policy to recognize the importance of self-care, especially where it intersects with health systems and health professionals.
La pratique infirmière avancée (PIA), telle qu’évoquée dans le présent document, se réfère aux services et
aux interventions de santé renforcés et étendus, assurés par des infirmières qui, grâce à des compétences avancées, influent sur les résultats des soins de santé cliniques dispensent des services de santé directs à la personne, aux familles et aux collectivités (CNA, 2019; Hamric et Tracy, 2019). Une infirmière de pratique avancée (IPA) a acquis, grâce à une formation complémentaire, une base de connaissances spécialisées, des capacités perfectionnées en matière de prise de décision et des compétences cliniques pour une pratique infirmière plus étendue, dont les caractéristiques dépendent du contexte dans lequel elle est accréditée
à exercer ses fonctions (CII, 2008a). L’infirmière clinicienne spécialisée (ICS) et l’infirmière praticienne (IP)
sont les deux catégories d’IPA les plus généralement
Este documento reúne um conjunto de recomendações formuladas pela OMS e pela OPAS para ajudar os profissionais responsáveis pelos programas de controle de vetores nas Américas em nível nacional, subnacional e local a se atualizarem e tomarem decisões baseadas em evidências sobre as medidas d...e controle mais apropriadas para cada situação. O MIV pode ser utilizado quando o objetivo é a vigilância e o controle ou a eliminação (dependendo da situação específica) das DTVs e pode ajudar a reduzir o desenvolvimento de resistência aos inseticidas pelo uso racional desses produtos. Este documento contém instruções para a execução do mandato de 2008 da OPAS sobre o manejo integrado de vetores (resolução CD48.R8, documento CD48/13) e, em particular, complementa uma série de diretrizes da OMS publicadas em 2012
La dengue est une maladie virale transmise par les moustiques qui s’est rapidement propagée dans toutes les Régions de l’OMS ces dernières années. Le virus de la dengue est transmis par des moustiques femelles, principalement de l’espèce Aedes aegypti, mais aussi dans une moindre mesure A...e. albopictus. Ces moustiques sont aussi vecteurs du virus du chikungunya, du virus amaril et du virus Zika. La dengue est largement répandue sous les tropiques, avec des variations locales du risque qui dépendent des caractéristiques climatiques, ainsi que de facteurs sociaux et environnementaux.
El dengue es una enfermedad vírica transmitida por mosquitos que en los últimos años se ha propagado rápidamente a todas las regiones de la OMS. El virus del dengue se transmite a través de mosquitos hembra principalmente de la especie Aedes aegypti y, en menor grado, de la especie Ae. Estos mosquitos también son vectores de los virus de la fiebre chikungunya, la fiebre amarilla y el Zika. La enfermedad está muy extendida en los trópicos, con variaciones locales en el riesgo que dependen de los parámetros climáticos y de los factores sociales y ambientales.
The development of this target product profile (TPP) was led by the WHO Department of Control of Ne-
glected Tropical Diseases (NTD) following standard WHO guidance for TPP development. In order to
identify and prioritize diagnostic needs, a WHO NTD Diagnostics Technical Advisory Group (DTAG)
was... formed, and different subgroups were created to advise on specific NTDs, including a subgroup
working on the human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) diagnostic innovation needs. This group of in-
dependent experts included leading scientists, public health officials and endemic-country end-user rep-
resentatives. Standard WHO Declaration of Interest procedures were followed. A landscape analysis of
the available products and of the development pipeline was conducted, and the salient areas with unmet
needs were identified
Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which leads over time to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. The most common is type 2 diabetes, usually in adults, which occurs when the body becomes resist...ant to insulin or doesn't make enough insulin. In the past three decades the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has risen dramatically in countries of all income levels. Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin by itself. For people living with diabetes, access to affordable treatment, including insulin, is critical to their survival. There is a globally agreed target to halt the rise in diabetes and obesity by 2025