Estudio de Mercado sobre Medicamentos
Manual para uso en la atención primaria
The Access to Controlled Medications Programme identified the development of treatment guidelines that cover the treatment of all types of pain as one of the core areas of focus for improving access to opioid analgesics. Such guidelines are interesting both for health-care professionals and policy-...makers. They are also important in improving access to controlled medicines for determining when those opioid medicines and when non-opioid medicines are preferred.
Based on a Delphi study, WHO planned the development of three treatment guidelines, covering chronic pain in children, chronic pain in adults and acute pain.
Cuando la asistencia humanitaria es coordinada adecuadamente y responde a las necesidades reales, sus beneficios son mucho mayores para las víctimas y puede jugar incluso un papel importante en el desarrollo del país.
Capítulo J.8
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Gonzalo Ros
Los objetivos del presente documento serán:Ofrecer una atención domiciliaria segura y de calidad.Garantizarunos niveles adecuados de protección de los familiares,convivientes,trabajadores sanitarios y de la poblacióngeneralcon el fin de prevenir la transmisiónde la enfermedad.
Internews’ Rooted In Trust (RiT) Project tracks COVID-19-related rumors circulating among social media users and vulnerable communities in Colombia, as well as other countries around the globe. The rumors are used to inform risk communication efforts by humanitarians and public health actors, and support local media in disseminating more accurate and actionable information that responds to community questions and concerns.
This article examines the activities of national and international actors in Pharmaceutical Services (PS) in Mozambique from 2007 to 2012, focusing on the public provision of HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis medicines. It describes how PS functions in the country, what actors are involved in this ...area and the relations among them, pursuing salient issues in the modus operandi of partners in cooperation.