Factsheets, Posters and Audio Material
Posters, Factsheets and Audio for free download
The Communication Toolbox offers practical guidance for program managers who want to communicate more effectively with program participants and community member . For emergency programs and development programs
The aim of this publication is to provide practical guidance for public information officers on the preparation for and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency, and to fulfil in part functions assigned to the IAEA in the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a... Nuclear
Accident or Radiological Emergency (Assistance Convention), as well as meeting requirements stated in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles, and in IAEA Safety Standards No. GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency.
Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish: https://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/8889/Communication-with-the-Public-in-a-Nuclear-or-Radiological-Emergency
A toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response
This field workbook supports the implementation of the interagency (FAO, UNICEF, WHO) “Communication for Behavioural Impact (COMBI): A toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response”. It is a handheld guide and notebook for applying the WHO COMBI methodology in 7-steps, du...ring an outbreak. It is primarily intended for risk communication, developmental communication and health promotion/education personnel working in multidisciplinary teams to investigate and respond to disease outbreaks. It contains essential tools, checklists, and information needed to design effective behavioural and communication interventions in support of outbreak prevention and control objectives - to limit loss of life and minimize disruption to families, communities and societies
Outil pour la communication comportementale et sociale dans le cadre de la riposte aux flambées épidémiques
The roundtable provided a forum that allowed communicators across a number of Federal agencies to share information, strategies, and challenges in developing and providing communication messages and materials to the public in preparation for, and in response to, a radiation... emergency. Throughout the discussion , several “big picture” qestions were brought up that may be addressed in future interagency efforts.
The toolkit offers advice on how national public health authorities could engage with primary care prescribers so as to promote appropriate and responsible use of antibiotics. The toolkit contains template materials and some suggested key messages for health professionals, idea...s for awareness raising activities, and suggested tactics for getting the messages across to both primary care providers and patients regarding prudent use of antibiotics.
with special reference to prevention and control of avian influenza