Clinical Presentation and Management for Haiti Cholera Outbreak, 2010
Flipchart on safe burial. Aimed at community
This form includes quesitons to help evaluate the services provided, human resources, infrastructure, equipment, drugs and infection prevention at basic emergency obstetric care (BEmOC) sites.
Part of the Malawi Maternal and Neonatal Health Toolkit
Accessed 12 Febr. 2015
Key Messages for Safe Schools
For Families and Caregivers in Sierra Leone
The first of a series of graphic stories about Ebola that covers prevention and seeking early care. This tool is used by IOM and county based partners to raise awareness and encourage positive responses within communities in Liberia. It . It was developed with the guidance of the Ministry of Health... and Social Welfare, WHO and UNICEF.
This report explores the access to healthcare granted to irregular migrants in 10 EU Member States. It focuses on migrants who are present in an irregular situation, namely those who do not fulfil conditions for entry, stay or residence. Through interviews with a range of different sources including... public authorities at the national and local level, health professionals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) providing helathcare and irregular migrants themselves, this report documents the legal, economic and practical obstacles that hinder migrants' access to healthcare.
For versions in French, Polish, German and Swedish check also
The report studied child poverty in nine dimensions – development/stunting, nutrition, health, water, sanitation, and housing. Other dimensions included education, health related knowledge, and information and participation.
An estimated 36 million of a total population of 41 million children the age of 18 in Ethiopia are multi-dimensionally poor, meaning they are deprived of basic goods and services in at least three dimensions
Document available in English, Spanish and French.
Fact sheet for visitors or residents in areas with cholera on the basic cholera facts and five basic cholera prevention recommendations.
This year’s MPI results show that more than two-thirds of the multidimensionally poor—886 millionpeople—live in middle-income countries. A further 440 million live in low-income countries. In both groups, data show, simple national averagescan hide enormous inequality inpatterns of countries. For instance, in Uganda 55 percentof the population experience multidimensional poverty—similartotheaverage in Sub-Saharan Africa. But Kampala, the capital city, has an MPI rate of sixpercent, whileinthe Karamojaregion, the MPI soars to 96 percent—meaningthat partsof Ugandaspan the extremes of Sub-Saharan Africa.There is even inequality under the same roof. In South Asia, for example, almost a quarter ofchildren under five live in households where at least one child in the household is malnourished but at least one child is not.
There is also inequality among the poor. Findings of the2019 global MPI paint a detailed picture of the many differences in how-and how deeply -people experience poverty. Deprivationsamong the poor varyenormously: in general, higher MPI valuesgo hand in hand with greater variationin the intensity of poverty. Results also show that children suffer poverty more intensely than adults and are more likely to be deprived in all 10 of the MPI indicators, lackingessentialssuch as clean water, sanitation, adequate nutrition or primary education
Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges