В этой главе представлена схема для проведения оценки младенцев, детей раннего возраста и их семей, и демонстрируется подход к пониманию и формулированию их затр...днений. Независимо от того, с какой проблемой приходится иметь дело, всесторонняя оценка всегда включает в себя рассмотрение социального и культурального контекста, а также факторов, способствующих уязвимости и устойчивости у детей, их родителей и ближайших родственников.
The guide is especially appropriate for settings where the provision of medical, diagnostic and support services is sparse or lacking. It covers adult and child mental health problems, as well as childhood developmental disorders. It includes information and guidance on dealing with mental health cr...ises and emergencies and identifying mental health and developmental problems, together with simple intervention strategies, including suggestions for parents and family members to use themselves. It outlines strategies for Community Health Workers to employ in promoting mental health and in raising their community’s awareness of mental health problems
Accessed July 4, 2019
Act, unite and empower
Accessed: 29.06.2019
This predominantly qualitative research on disability and development in Myanmar was conducted between August 2011 and February 2012, in three commercial centres of Yangon, Mandalay and Taunggyi. Stakeholders of service providers, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and families of disabled people were... interviewed in order to discover the needs and challenges that they face. Discoveries were made concerning independent living and adaptive education, vocational training and livelihoods challenges, community-based rehabilitation, organisational and human resource capacity, and information channels, networking and cooperation between organisations.
The study found that PWDS, especially those with intellectually disabilities, need training for independent living, adaptive special education, motor development programs and behaviour modification programs in special institutions. Effective services and programs are necessary in all of these areas of need.
The Lancet Global Health, Vol. 6, No. 10 Published: August 29, 2018
This manual is a guide to the assessment and management of children and adolescents
with developmental, behavioural and emotional problems. It has been written mainly for
primary care professionals, especially primary care physicians and nurses, working in lowand
middle-income countries.
Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 4).
Patel V, Chisholm D, Dua T, et al., editors.
Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2016 Mar 14.
Accessed November 2, 2017 |
National Association Networking for the Special Needs of the Individual
As the Coronavirus pandemic heightens, ESCAP is sourcing guidelines, recommendations and information in various languages to help exchange knowledge on dealing with mental health in children and adolescent during this time.
Documents in multiple languages are available
Capítulo A.11
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Pablo Vidal
Capítulo J.2
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Montserrat Pamias
Capítulo A.13
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Julia Portillo
Capítulo I.2
Editores: Laura Borredá Belda, Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Alfonso Pastor Romero, Silvia Rodriguez Portillo, Carla Andreia Carvalho Gómez, María Tatiana Stefan & Paula Cox
QualityRights (Calidad y Derechos) es una iniciativa global de la OMS para mejorar la calidad de atención proporcionada por los servicios de salud mental y promover los derechos
humanos de personas con discapacidades psicosociales, intelectuales y cognitivas 1. Ofrece un nuevo enfoque al modelo de... prestación de servicios de salud mental basado en los derechos y orientado a la recuperación.
A imunização deve ser entendida como um regulador no processo saúde-doençae é uma das formas mais seguras e eficazesde prevenir enfermidades edereduzir a propagação de doenças existentes. Apesar disso, omovimento antivacinação alcançou uma ascendênciamundial,fator que pode provocar conse...quências desastrosas e moldar o percurso da doença e do cuidadona população. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta revisão literária é evidenciaros dados de cobertura vacinale discutir as razões pelas quais o movimento antivacina ocorreem um contexto de globalização e mídias sociais,bem como os impactos provocados na saúde brasileira.
Expressa Extensão Capa > v. 26, n. 1 (2021)
Este trabalho, abordar debates e questionamentos sobre a eficácia e a segurança da manipulação e aplicação das vacinas. Os autores perceben, nesse período de pandemia, onde aguarda-mos ansiosos por uma resposta da ciência em relação a uma vacin...a para o Covid-19, ressurge o debate antivacina.
Salud Mental Perfil del País- Ecuador