Guiding Principles and Recommendations
English Analysis on Brazil about Health, Protection and Human Rights and Epidemic; published on 26 May 2021 by SSHAP
Timor-Leste’s vulnerability to natural hazards means if particular care is not taken in the development of the country’s infrastructure, it will remain at risk to disruption.
Timor-Leste developed the 2008 National Disaster Risk Management Policy, which lays out the government’s vison of ...its disaster management process from the national to the village level. Additionally, through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), they have conducted national hazards, vulnerability and risk assessments. Through Plan International they have initiated the integration of disaster management education into public schools. Although the Government of Timor-Leste considers DRM as a priority and supports the dissemination of DRM policy to the district levels, the current Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 of Timor-Leste has not explicitly reflected nor integrated DRM as one of its development priorities. Disaster Management is included in the Strategic Plan Document of MSS 2009-2012.
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report December 19, 2014 / 63(50);1205-1206
Over the ages, human societies have altered local ecosystems and modified regional climates. Today the human influence has attained a global scale. This reflects the recent rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use, international trade and travel, and other human a...ctivities. These global changes have heightened awareness that the long-term good health of populations depends on the continued stability of biosphere's ecological, physical and socioeconomic systems.
The world's climate system is an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes. Like other large systems, the global climate system is coming under pressure from human activities.
This book seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.
Int J Health Geogr. 2002; 1: 5.
Published online 2002 Dec 20. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-1-5
PMCID: PMC149400
PMID: 12537588
BackgroundClimate change is one of the great challenges of our time. The consequences of climate change on exposed biological subjects, as well as on vulnerable societies, are a concern for the entire scientific community. Rising temperatures, heat waves, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts,, loss of forest, and glaciers, along with disappearance of rivers and desertification, can directly and indirectly cause human pathologies that are physical and mental.
Rapid review and case studies from Member States
A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
En el año 2007, los países de la Región de las Américas aprobaron la Agenda de Salud para las Américas 2008-2017 en la que se consideraba a la salud mental como una de las prioridades. En 2014, en el Plan de acción sobre salud mental (2015-2020), aprobado por la Organización Panamericana de l...a Salud (OPS), se identificaron temas intersectoriales como la etnicidad, la equidad y los derechos humanos, de conformidad con el Plan de acción integral sobre salud mental (2013- 2020) aprobado oportunamente por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).
En este módulo, aprenderá sobre investigaciones de contactos de tuberculosis (TB).
A las personas que han estado expuestas a un caso* de enfermedad de tuberculosis infecciosa se las conoce como “contactos de tuberculosis”. Una investigación de contactos de tuberculosis consiste en una estrat...egia
de control de la tuberculosis que se utiliza para identificar, buscar y evaluar contactos de tuberculosis y proporcionar el tratamiento apropiado para la infección de tuberculosis latente (ITBL) o para la enfermedad de tuberculosis, si fuera necesario. Las investigaciones eficaces de contactos interrumpen la propagación de la tuberculosis en las comunidades y ayudan a prevenir los brotes de tuberculosis.
Para obtener información más detallada, consulte el material de los Centros
para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC): Pautas para la investigación de los contactos de personas con tuberculosis infecciosa (Guidelines for the Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious
Tuberculosis), disponible en el sitio web de los CDC (
Human rabies remains a significant public health problem in Africa with outbreaks reported in most countries. In Nigeria–the most populous country in Africa–rabies causes a significant public health burden partly due to perennial obstacles to implementing a national prevention and control progra...m.