Archives of Disease in Childhood 2021;106:238-240.
Afin d’aider les pays non touchés à mieux faire face à une éventuelle importation de cas de maladie à virus Ebola en renforçant le dispositif de préparation et de planification déjà en place, l’OMS et l’ensemble des partenaires de la riposte ont dépêché une mission en République c...entreafricaine du 2 au 8 décembre 2014.
Rapporto ISS COVID-19, n. 5/2020
Gruppo di Lavoro ISS Ambiente e Qualità dell’Aria Indoor
versione del 23 marzo 2020
The aim of the pandemic preparedness checklist is primarily to provide an outline of the essential minimum elements of preparedness, as well as elements of preparedness that are considered desirable. It is recommended that responsible authorities or institutes in countries that are in the process of... planning should consider the specific aspects of the checklist for which they are responsible. The Checkllist is available in English, Japanese, Russian and Arabic from the website
Situation analysis
Description of the disaster
An Ebola epidemic that started in March 2014 in Guinea has relentlessly continued to claim lives and to spread to other countries in West Africa. The current Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first to affect multiple countries simu...ltaneously. There have been over 24 000 reported confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of EVD in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone (table 1), with almost 10 000 reported deaths (outcomes for many cases are unknown). A total of 58 new confirmed cases were reported in Guinea, 0 in Liberia, and 58 in Sierra Leone in the 7 days to 8 March (4 days to 5 March for Liberia). Many experts believe that the official numbers substantially understate the size of the outbreak because of families' widespread reluctance to report cases. Because of the fluidity of movement of people between West Africa and several countries in the East African countries, especially Kenya and Ethiopia (who in turn have extensive interaction with other countries in the region in terms of human movement), the risk of an outbreak of Ebola in East Africa is as eminent as in any of the countries bordering the affected countries. The IFRC regional office intends to support National Societies to raise their Ebola preparedness and response capacity through training, technical support in planning and implementation of Ebola related activities, and coordination both within and outside the movement.
By December of 2019, an estimated 5.3 million Venezuelans would have left the country, migrating in search of opportunities, health services and an overall search to improve the socio-economic conditions of themselves and their families. This is the largest migration in the history of the Americas. ...Migrants are one of the most vulnerable populations, exposed to human trafficking, abuse, exploitation and violence.
This Emergency Appeal seeks funds to reach this vulnerable population through a range of services that are aimed at preserving the dignity of migrant populations and increasing their wellbeing. These services are: shelter; livelihoods and basic needs; health services; water, sanitation and hygiene services; protection gender and inclusion. T
The aim is to provide early detection of potentially infected persons; to assist in implementing WHO recommendations related to Ebola management; and to prevent the international spread of the disease while allowing PoE authorities to avoid unnecessary restrictions and delays