This guidance document provides basic broad principles for a spokesperson
of any health authority on how to respond to vocal vaccine deniers.
The suggestions are based on psychological research on persuasion,
on research in public health, communication studies and on WHO risk
communication guide...lines.
Around the world, approximately 1 in 45 children are on the move – nearly 50 million boys and girls that have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced within their own countries.1 Climate-related events
and their impacts are already contributing significantly to these staggering numbers...,with 14.7 million people facing new internal displacement as a result of weather-related disasters in 2015 alone. The annual average
since 2008 is higher still, at 21.5 million, equivalent to almost 2,500 people being displaced every single day.2
Nosocomial or health-facility-acquired infections are a serious issue, representing one of the most significant causes of morbidity and mortality in healthcare systems and consuming many scarce resources, especially in developing countries. Although much has been done, particularly in the hospital s...etting, to reduce the risk of these infections, the problem persists and demands innovative and cost-efficient solutions.
Although the care provided in most primary health care facilities is predominantly ambulatory with few or no inpatient beds, infection prevention is still important to minimize or eliminate the risks of facility-acquired infections and assure quality patient care.
Health facilities and hospitals should have written infection control procedures and guidelines in place and should also be monitoring that these procedures are adhered to in both inpatient and ambulatory care settings.
Verstädterung, Flächennutzung, globaler Handel und Industrialisierung haben auf der ganzen Welt tiefgreifende negative Folgen für Natur, Biodiversität und Ökosysteme. Der fortwährende Abbau natürlicher Ressourcen wirkt sich nicht nur auf den Zustand der Umwelt aus, sondern hat auch enorme Aus...wirkungen für Wohlergehen und Sicherheit der Gesellschaften. Dieser Bericht bietet eine Übersicht der vielfältigen Einwirkung der natürlichen Umwelt auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Er legt dar, wie Natur und Ökosysteme Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden unterstützen und schützen können und wie zugleich die Zerstörung der Natur und der Verlust an Biodiversität die menschliche Gesundheit bedrohen. Er ist an ein Publikum gerichtet, das nicht über umfassende Erfahrung mit den Verbindungen zwischen Natur und Gesundheit verfügt. Diese Übersicht richtet sich in erster Linie an Personen, die sich beruflich oder politisch mit Umwelt und Gesundheit beschäftigen, kann aber auch für andere Bereiche relevant sein, die mit dem Schutz, der Handhabung und der Nutzung von Natur und Biodiversität befasst sind.
What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?
Supporting the most exposed and vulnerable societies to reduce
regional and global climate risks
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
Traditional medicine, including the knowledge, skills and practices of holistic health care, exists in all cultures. It is based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences and is widely accepted for its role in health maintenance and the treatment of disease.Medicinal plants are the main ingred...ients of local medicines, but rapid urbanization is leading to the loss of many important plants and knowledge of their use. To help preserve this knowledge and recognize the importance of medicinal plants to health care systems, the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific has published a series of books on Medicinal Plants in China, the Republic of Korea, Viet Nam and the South Pacific. Medicinal Plants in Papua New Guinea is the fifth in this series. This book covers only a small proportion of the immense knowledge on traditional medicine, the plant species from which they are derived, the diseases they can treat and the parts of the plants to be used. The diverse cultures, languages and traditional practices of Papua New Guinea made this a particularly challenging project. But we believe the information and accompanying references can provide useful information for scientists, doctors and other users.
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Theology at the South African Theological Seminary
Временное руководство
6 апреля 2020 г.
В настоящем документе кратко изложены рекомендации ВОЗ по рациональному использованию средств индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ) в... медицинских учреждениях и при оказании помощи на дому, а также при обработке грузов; в нем также дана оценка текущего нарушения глобальной цепочки поставок и приведены соображения для принятия решений в ситуации острой нехватки СИЗ.
Временное руководство23 декабря 2020 г.
Female genital mutilation is a harmful traditional practice that violates girls’ right to health
and overall well-being. Most research cites social acceptance, marriageability, community
belonging, proof of virginity, curbing promiscuity, hygiene, and religion as motivations for the
practice. I...t is generally assumed that individual attitudes of parents and other family mem-
bers have an impact on decisions related to the cutting of girls, and that such attitudes are
influenced by social norms. The aim of this study is to understand how parental attitudes
towards the practice of female genital mutilation influence decision making related to the cut-
ting of girls.
Understanding Cultural Diversity in Mental Health
Health and Human Rights Journal
December 2016 / Volume 18 / Number 2 / Papers, 171-182
The 2014-2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia resulted in over 10,000 cases and 5,000 deaths. Recognizing the importance of addressing children’s trauma, the Ebola recovery and restoration trust fund (EERTF) funded the implementation of a Comfort for kids (C4K) program which encou...rages psychological healing, and promotes resilience in children who have experienced a crisis or disaster. The C4K program in Liberia was implemented between January 2015 and December 2016 in fifteen townships in Montserrado County through a collaboration between Mercy Corps Liberia, the World Bank’s Liberian health task team, and the government of Liberia. C4K primarily centers on the My Story workbook and associated classroom activities, which provide children with the opportunity to express their emotions about their experiences through drawing, writing, and facilitated discussion. C4K also provides capacity building for parents, teachers, and other caretakers on how to identify and more effectively respond to children’s trauma responses and to support their recovery