Leptospirosis is a perplexing conundrum for many. In the existing literature, the pathophysiological mechanisms pertaining to leptospirosis is still not understood in full. Considered as a neglected tropical zoonotic disease, leptospirosis is culminating as a serious problem worldwide, seemingly exi...sting as co-infections with various other unrelated diseases, including dengue and malaria. Misdiagnosis is also common as non-specific symptoms are documented extensively in the literature. This can easily lead to death, as the severe form of leptospirosis (Weil’s disease) manifests as a complex of systemic complications, especially renal failure. The virulence of Leptospira sp. is usually attributed to the outer membrane proteins, including LipL32. With an armament of virulence factors at their disposal, their ability to easily adhere, invade and replicate within cells calls for a swift refinement in research progress to establish their exact pathophysiological framework. As an effort to reconstitute the current knowledge on leptospirosis, the basis of leptospiral infection, including its risk factors, classification, morphology, transmission, pathogenesis, co-infections and clinical manifestations are highlighted in this review. The various diagnostic techniques are also outlined with emphasis on their respective pros and cons.
Parasites & Vectors volume 11, Article number: 264 (2018)
Dengue creates a staggering epidemiological and economic burden for endemic countries. Without a specific therapy and with a commercial vaccine that presents some problems relative to its full effectiveness, initiatives to improve vector... control strategies, early disease diagnostics and the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs are priorities. In this study, we present the probable origins of dengue in America and the trajectories of its spread. Overall, dengue diagnostics are costly, making the monitoring of dengue epidemiology more difficult and affecting physicians’ therapeutic decisions regarding dengue patients, especially in developing countries. This review also highlights some recent and important findings regarding dengue in Brazil and the Americas. We also summarize the existing DENV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic tests to provide an improved reference since these tests are useful and accurate at discriminating DENV from other flaviviruses that co-circulate in the Americas. Additionally, these DENV PCR assays ensure virus serotyping, enabling epidemiologic monitoring.
BMC Public Health (2018) 18:668 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5594-3
WHO-SEARO in partnership with WHOCC AIIMS, UNICEF, UNFPA and USAID has prepared a training package for building capacity of healthcare teams in health facilities for continous quality improvement of maternal and newborn healthcare. The focus is on the care of mothers and newborns at the time of chil...d birth since a large proportion of maternal deaths, newborn deaths and stillbirths happen around that time.
Estima-se que 17,8 milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo com 18 anos ou mais viviam com o VIH em 2015, o equivalente a 51% dos adultos que viviam com o VIH. As raparigas adolescentes e as mulheres jovens são particularmente afectadas; em 2015 representavam 60 por cento dos indivíduos com idades com...preendidas entre os 15-24 anos que viviam com o VIH, e 58 por cento das infecções por VIH recentemente adquiridas entre a população jovem deste grupo etário. Em muitos países, as mulheres que vivem com o VIH não têm acesso equitativo a serviços de saúde de boa qualidade e enfrentam muitas formas de estigma e discriminação entrecruzadas. Além disso, estas mulheres são desproporcionadamente vulneráveis à violência, incluindo as violações dos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos.
The winter season is approaching fast, while older people (OP) and people with disabilities (PwD) have already been living in the harsh environment of a full-scale war for eight months, with their basic needs and human rights at risk of being neglected and violated for eight years of ongoing war.
T...he recent brutal attacks on the critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants and power substations in eight regions of Ukraine, including Kyiv, show the alarming prediction that this winter is going to be challenging for the affected areas, especially for the vulnerable people residing there
Climate change is altering seasonal patterns, making our summers hotter, and fueling increased flooding from coastal storms. As a result, we face more heat-related illnesses, air quality issues, food and water contamination, traumatic injuries, threats to our mental health, and infectious diseases. ...These threats will only get worse as big polluters continue to pump carbon from coal, oil, and natural gas into the air. The good news is that we can protect ourselves from these impacts by moving to cleaner energy strategies and preparing more effectively for future disasters.
O Coronavírus1 está se espalhando globalmente. Como podem os indivíduos, comunidades e agentes humanitários responderem ao surto do COVID-19? Como o Manual Esfera pode orientar essa resposta?
ePROTECT est une séance d'information sur la santé et la sécurité au travail qui couvre les renseignements de base dont vous avez besoin pour vous protéger lorsque vous vous déployez dans des pays où le virus Ebola est présent. Ceux d'entre vous qui effectueront des tâches spécialisées, c...omme travailler en contact direct avec des personnes malades, auront besoin d'une formation et d'un encadrement de niveau plus avancé.
The current SEARVAP (South-East Asia regional vaccine action plan) describes a set of regional goals and objectives for immunization and control of vaccine-preventable diseases for 2016 – 2020 and highlights priority actions, targets and indicators that address the specific needs and challenges of... countries in the Region.
Se espera que sean una referencia para la elaboración de protocolos clínicos y políticas sanitarias a nivel nacional y local relacionados con el embarazo, en el contexto de la transmisión del virus de Zika, pero no se pretende ofrecer una guía práctica completa para la prevención y el tratami...ento de esta infección.
O presente documento destina-se afornecer orientações provisórias para a definição de casos de GBSe estratégias para gerir a síndrome, no contexto do vírus Zikae sua potencial associação com a GBS. Odocumento pretende informar a elaboração de protocolos clínicos locais e de políticas d...e saúde relacionadas com os cuidados a dispensar aos doentes com GBS. Em Março de 2016, será organizada uma reunião de peritos para elaborar outras orientações destinadas a identificar e gerir a GBS e outros possíveis distúrbios neurológicos,no contexto da transmissão do vírus Zika.
Nota INformatIva Nº 13/2020 - SE/GaB/SE/mS
September 2020
Este livro de bolso destina-se a ser usado por médicos, enfermeiras e outros trabalhadores de saúde experientes que sejam responsáveis pela prestação de cuidados de saúde a crianças nos países em desenvolvimento.
EL Nino events are associated with the warming of the Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) over the tropical Pacific Ocean, which significantly influences rainfall in various parts of the world. Recent El Nino events occurred in 1982/83, 1987/88, 1991/92, 1997/98, 2002/03, 2004/05, 2006/07, 2009/10 and 20...15/16 but at varying strength.
stas Pranchas para o diagnóstico de parasitos intestinais destinam-se a servir tanto como orientação para profissionais de laboratório e de campo em países endêmicos quanto como material de ensino para estudantes e estagiários. Contêm orientações sobre a escolha da preparação para os d...iferentes métodos copromicroscópicos e a principal técnica de coloração para o diagnóstico de parasitos intestinais (nematoides, trematódeos, cestódeos e protozoários). As fotomicrografias mostram a aparência e as características diagnósticas dos diversos parasitos nas diferentes preparações. As pranchas foram produzidas em formato plastificado impermeável, resistente e fácil de usar na bancada. São recomendadas para todos os profissionais de saúde que atuam na rotina de diagnóstico de parasitoses intestinais
In this video we show you how to search, browse or find the relevant documents and information in MEDBOX-The Aid Library. This video is part of a "How to use MEDBOX" video series.
MEDBOX -The Aid Library is an open-access online library aiming to increase the quality of health care worldwide.
Vid...eoclip Series "MEDBOX - The Aid Library" no.2