Vous trouverez dans les pages suivantes de la documentation promotionnelle, y compris les documents d’informations, les affiches, les messages postés sur les réseaux sociaux et les autres ressources sur la vaccination, qui vous permettront de densifier les activités en cours et de faciliter les... communications au cours de la semaine. N’hésitez pas à personnaliser et adapter la documentation aux besoins spécifiques de votre pays.
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Marathi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
Nearly 260 000 people died in parts of Somalia between October 2010 and April 2012, including
133 000 children under five during the famine and food crisis in Somalia making it the worst famine in history.
A study commissioned and funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Natio...n’s food security and nutrition analysis unit for Somalia stated that the famine early warning systems clearly identified the risk of famine in South Central Somalia in 2010–2011 but timely action to prevent the onset of famine was not taken. The result was large scale
mortality, morbidity and population displacement.
The Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE) provides WHO with rapid and flexible resources to respond to disease outbreaks and other health emergencies. The annual report provides an overview of the use and impact of the Fund over the previous year.
Information note
Accessed November 2017.
Clincial Practice Guidelines
A Decade of Change for Newborn Survival: Bangladesh
Action on behalf of unaccompanied and separated children should be guided by principles enshrined in international standards. The validity of these principles has been confirmed by experience and lessons learnt from conflicts and natural disasters in recent years. The objective of the present public...ation is to outline the guiding principles which form the basis for action in this regard.
“The children are psychologically crushed and tired.
When we do activities like singing with them, they
don’t respond at all. They don’t laugh like they
would normally. They draw images of children
being butchered in the war, or tanks, or the siege
and the lack of food.”
Teacher in the... besieged town of Madaya to Save the Children