Guidebook about information center of health crisis response due to natural disaster in Indonesia
Access : 28.04.2017
Pocket book for field officers and humanitarian helpers on the field in health crisis response and tackling health crisis situation in Indonesia
These Course handouts have been designed for use by directors and trainers to aid in registering participants and evaluating trainers, and include job aids, answer sheets, forms, checklists and other tools for course participants to use during the training sessions. Items not supplied in the Course ...handouts but that are helpful to course participants and published elsewhere are provided through web links.
Cadre handbook about community empowerment in managing and facing health crisis in Indonesia
Chapter 21 from "Where there is no doctor"
This document provides guidance to health care workers on the use of the counselling cards. The Counselling cards depict key infant and young child feeding concepts and behaviours for health workers to share with mothers, fathers, grandparents and other caregivers.
Mayon Volcano continues to show high levels of unrest. Local authorities have evacuated over 82,000 people to safety and have requested the Humanitarian Country Team to assist with addressing priority needs and issues.
• Severe Tropical Storm Tembin affected over 797,000 people in northeastern Mi...ndanao, including those who were displaced by the Marawi conflict.
As of 6:00 PM, 21 November 2013, 4,011 individuals were reported dead, 18,567 injured and 1,602 are still missing