Abstract: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic psychological disorder that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event. This review summarizes the literature on the epidemiology, assessment, and treatment of PTSD. We provide a review of the characteristics of PTSD along with associa...ted risk factors, and describe brief, evidence-based measures that can be used to screen for PTSD and monitor symptom changes over time. In regard to treatment, we highlight commonly used, evidence-based psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies for PTSD. Among psychotherapeutic approaches, evidence-based approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapies (e.g., Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. A wide variety of pharmacotherapies have received some level of research support for PTSD symptom alleviation, although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have the largest evidence base to date.
هناك العديد من األحداث التي تؤثر على مجرى حياتنا، والتي يكون
بإمكاننا التعامل معها بالرغم من ذلك. ومع ذلك فإن اإلنسان يعيش -
في بعض األحيان - أشياء جد رهيبة لدرجة أن ...ذه األخيرة تطارده
لفترة طويلة وتجعله يصاب بمرض نفسي. قد يتعلق األمر هنا
باضطراب ما بعد ال صدمة )باختصار: PTSD).
نفسياً وقد يحدث في أي
يعتبر هذا األخير مرضا مرحلة من مراحل ً
حياة اإلنسان . نتطرق فيما يلي إلى اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة لدى
تتعرف أيضاً البالغين، وسوف على إمكانيات العالج المتاحة.
Much of our knowledge about PTSD is based on studies of adults. As evidenced by the birth of new scientific disciplines (e.g., developmental translational neuroscience), it is clear that what we learn from research involving adults may not necessarily be applicable to children and adolescents. Indee...d, the field of child and adolescent PTSD and trauma is relatively young, although the knowledge base has increased substantially over the past 2 decades. Moreover, task force members recognize that mental health professionals may have many different perspectives on child and adolescent trauma, particularly in regard to the specific nature of its effects and what interventions may be most effective in reducing negative outcomes and enhancing adaptive functioning. Although we attempt to summarize here what is currently known about child and adolescent PTSD and trauma, we welcome ongoing discussion and novel perspectives, which help to advance the field.
No one wants the words “post-traumatic stress disorder” and “children” to appear in the same sentence. But recent events like the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting are reminders that children as well as adults can be exposed to events that cause this debilitating but highly treatable men...tal illness.Previous posts in this series explained why I advocate for children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), explored 5 myths and misconceptions about PTSD in children, and defined both trauma and PTSD from a child’s point of view. This post explores some of the causes of PTSD in kids.
Background: Several studies have demonstrated that South African children and adolescents are
exposed to high levels of violent trauma with a significant proportion developing PTSD, however,
limited resources make it difficult to accurately identify traumatized children.
Conclusions: Our result...s indicate that trauma exposure and PTSD are prevalent in South African
youth and if appropriate cut-offs are used, self-report scales may be useful screening tools for
Annals of General Psychiatry 2005, 4:2doi:10.1186/1744-859X-4-2
Post-traumatic symptoms in Ghanaian children. Thesis for Master of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies (PECOS). This study investigated whether Ghanaian children exposed to low intensity warfare experience symptoms of PTSD as described in the DSM-IV. It also aimed to find out if there are cultu...rally-specific ways of displaying the symptoms and in dealing with the trauma.
Background: Understanding the natural course of child and adolescent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has significant implications for the identification of, and intervention for, at-risk youth. We used a meta-analytic approach to examine longitudinal changes in youth PTSD prevalence and symptom...s over the first 12 months posttrauma.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry57:8 (2016), pp 884–898
Objective: This study examined the experiential factors and interacting vulnerabilities that contribute to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents
Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1229–1235)
Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumat...ic stress symptoms.
NICE guideline | This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve quality of life by reducing symptoms of PTSD such as anxiety, sleep problems and difficulties with concentration. Recommendations ...also aim to raise awareness of the condition and improve coordination of care.
This study investigated the recollections of child survivors of the 2004 Asian tsunami in terms of their vantage point and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) responses. Five years after the tsunami, 110 children (aged 7–13 years) living in Aceh, Indonesia were assessed for source of memories of ...the tsunami (personal memory or second-hand source), vantage point of the memory, and were administered the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale-13.
PLoSONE 11(9):e0162030.doi:10.1371/journal.
Background. Children and adolescents can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after exposure to a range of traumatic events, including domestic, political or community violence, violent crime, physical and sexual abuse, hijacking, witnessing a violent crime and motor vehicle accidents. This... is particularly critical given the substantial challenge that PTSD poses to the healthy physical, cognitive and emotional development of children and adolescents.
After a frightening or distressing experience (any kind of injury, a physical or sexual assault, car crash, fire, or other natural disaster), a child or teen may suffer psychological
stress in addition to any physical injuries.
When these reactions last for more than a month and are strong enough ...to affect a child's or teen's everyday functioning, that child may be diagnosed as having Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.
Objectives and scope of the document
This document was developed to provide recommended management strategies for problems and disorders that are specifically related to the occurrence of a major stressful event. The recommended strategies will form the basis of a new module to be added to the WHO ...(2010) mhGAP Intervention Guide for use in non-specialized specialized health-care settings.
The scope of the problems covered by these guidelines is:
symptoms of acute stress in the first month after a potentially traumatic event, with the following subtypes:
- symptoms of acute traumatic stress (intrusion, avoidance and hyperarousal) in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- symptoms of dissociative (conversion) disorders in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- non-organic (secondary) enuresis in the first month after a potentially traumatic event (in children);
- hyperventilation in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- insomnia in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
bereavement in the absence of a mental disorder.
Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumat...ic stress symptoms.
Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumat...ic stress symptoms.
Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumat...ic stress symptoms.
Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumat...ic stress symptoms.
Adapted from NTCSD - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network | Hilfe und Information in der Ulmer Onlineklinik | Accessed Online January 2019. | The CATS questionnaire is a short freely accessible screening instrument directly based on the DSM-5 criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).... It is a measure of potentially traumatic events and of posttraumatic stress symptoms.
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the domestic care environment on the prevalence of potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among orphaned and separated children in Uasin Gishu County, western Kenya.
PLos One March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 |... e89937