In India, in response to the above and guided by our counterparts in the government of India, the UN agencies have developed the Novel Coronavirus Disease Joint Health Response Plan by UN Agencies and Partners, led by WHO-India, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ...and with the support of other development partners. The UN in India is also preparing a COVID-19 Socio-economic Response and Recovery Plan, in partnership with the government.
This report examines the support to private healthcare provision in India by the World Bank’s private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Despite supporting private healthcare in the country since 1997, no healthcare results for lending and investments have been disclosed sinc...e the start of these operations over twenty-five years ago. The IFC has overwhelmingly invested in high-end urban hospitals which are out of reach for the majority of Indians. Several have consistently failed to provide free healthcare to poor patients despite this being a condition under which free or subsidized public land was allotted to these hospitals. Supporting private healthcare in a context where 37% of Indians experience catastrophic health expenditures in private hospitals appears to run counter to the World Bank Group’s focus on poverty reduction. These investments do not contribute to the building of stronger healthcare infrastructure or respond to unmet healthcare needs. Only 14% of IFC-financed hospitals are located in the 10 states ranked lowest in terms of the overall performance of the health system. Furthermore, we found many instances where regulators upheld complaints pertaining to violations of patients’ rights by these hospitals including overcharging, denial of healthcare, price rigging, financial conflict of interest and medical negligence.
The resources provide both the older as well as the updated Operational Guidelines for antiretroviral therapy centres, including administrative issues, functions and establishment of centres, reporting and recording tools, measures to improve retention in HIV care, supply chain management of drugs a...nd various other aspects that are essential to ensure quality treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.
This article looks at the Baseline Standards developed by the International Society for Paediatric
Oncology (SIOP) for paediatric oncology nursing care in low- and middle-income countries. The
Baseline Standards lay the foundation for effective care and address barriers such as inadequate
staffin...g levels, lack of support, limited access to nurse education and unsafe nursing environments.
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian from the website
Nurses at present are facing various personal, interpersonal, professional, institutional and socio cultural challenges in their professional performance. Dealing with these issues may not be always clear. The lack of one correct approach in addressing different conte...xtual issues may lead to ethical dilemmas. Responding to this complex issues demand nurses to acquire comprehensive ethical knowledge and skills in various decision making process. Although teaching materials have a pivotal role to play in helping nurses in this endeavor, comprehensive books inclusive of all the topics in the curriculum is scarce in Ethiopia. Therefore, this lecture note is prepared to overcome the acute shortage of reference materials reflecting the national context and be used as a teaching material for nurses at various levels. The lecture note is divided in to five units. Unit one of this lecture note deals with the history of nursing, unit two about philosophy of nursing, unit three health and illness, unit four Ethico-legal aspects to nursing, and unit five communication and interpersonal relationships in nursing,
N Engl J Med 2022; 386:911-922, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2104535
Four months of antituberculosis treatment was noninferior to 6 months of treatment in children with drug-susceptible, nonsevere, smear-negative tuberculosis (SHINE Study)
Community health nurses have the potential to make significant contributions to meet the health care needs of various population groups in a variety of community settings. In order to assess the extent to which CHNs are achieving this potential, WHO conducted a study between 2010 and 2014 that exami...ned the status of community health nursing in 22 countries, 13 of which were experiencing a critical shortage of health care workers. The study revealed that the countries surveyed had the basic and operational framework for optimizing CHN in their health systems as evidenced by the availability of PHC structures to guide interventions. However, challenges were identified related to the education, practice and management of CHNs in these countries. The major challenges identified were: Limited availability of career opportunities; poor worker retention; low recognition for CHNs; inadequate and unsupportive working conditions and environments; absence of educational standards; varying educational entry-level requirements for CHN programmes; and a lack of consensus on the scope of practice for CHNs.
Antibiotics use with care
Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services