This study of Adolescent Boys and Young Men highlights the importance of engaging adolescent boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) and gender equality. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for engaging adolescent boys and young men. It reviews current resea...rch on boys’ and young men’s specific risks and realities in relation to their general health status, violence, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health, media violence, sexual exploitation, and other vulnerabilities.
Guidance on Disability Inclusion for GBV Partners in Lebanon
This article reexamines a set of study findings that directly relate to the influence of gender on workplace violence, synthesizes these findings with other research from Rwanda, and examines the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda’s policy environment.
This report brings attention to achieving gender equality in the context of women, girls, and the HIV response. This six-month consultation in 2016 with adolescent women and young girls found that #WhatWomenWant is: collaboration and joint action by all to invest in women's HIV and Sexual and Reprod...uctive Health and Rights (SRHR), to be leaders and articulate the priorities of women and girls in all their diversity, and to speak to the new Political Declaration on AIDS and the SDG framework as a tool for civil society to meet their agenda to achieve gender equality in the HIV and SRHR response.
This toolkit provides practical guidance to governments, funders, civil society organizations and other implementing partners on conducting a gender analysis and using findings to inform HIV prevention, care and treatment programs with key populations. It outlines considerations and steps for conduc...ting a gender analysis; explores how to engage with stakeholders, including key population members, in a meaningful partnership; shares lessons learned from a comprehensive gender analysis in Kenya and an abridged gender analysis in Cameroon; and provides tools and resources for conducting a gender analysis with key populations.
UNHCR and its partners implement interventions focusing on adolescent girls and boys, including:
▪ Formation and capacity building of adolescent girls and boys’ clubs as peer groups for awareness raising, and SGBV prevention and response mechanisms.
▪ Community based protection activ...ities and training on child protection
▪ Provision of secondary education for secondary school-aged youth and recruitment of female teachers to encourage adolescent girls to continue education
▪ Introduction of community sharing/ parenting sessions and increasing the number of women support networks
▪ Establishing girls’ friendly spaces, which includes information sharing and psycho-social support
▪ Awareness raising campaigns with all members of the community, including community leaders
Lancet Public Health 2018 Published Online September 12, 2018 S2468-2667(18)30138-5
Psychosoziale Arbeit und psychosoziale Ansätze haben in den letzten 10 Jahren in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZ) immer stärkere Verbreitung gefunden. Es gibt heute kein Krisen- und Konfliktgebiet mehr, wo nicht auch über Trauma und über die emotionale Verfasstheit der Opfer gesprochen wi...rd. Gerade im Zusammenhang mit der Anerkennung der Notwendigkeit genderbewusste Konflikttransformationsprozesse in der Projektarbeit zu unterstützen, sind psychosoziale Konzepte und Methoden immer wichtiger geworden. Dennoch ist bei vielen MitarbeiterInnen der IZ nach wie vor wenig bekannt, was mit psychosozial eigentlich gemeint ist. Während die Literatur über Trauma umfangreich, aber unübersichtlich und widersprüchlich ist, fehlt es nach wie vor an knappen und auf die IZ bezogenen Einführungen in die psychosoziale Thematik.
Die Arbeitshilfe kann über die Webseiteävention_Transformati... in englischer, spanischer, französischer und russischer Sprache heruntergeladen werden. Die Arbeitshilfe kann in deutscher Sprache über den unten angegebenen link heruntergeladen werden.
Gender-based violence is a life-threatening, global health and human rights issue that violates international human rights law and principles of gender equality. It is also a threat to lasting peace and an affront to our common humanity. United Nations Member States have called for urgent action to ...end GBV in emergencies, recognizing that in crises, the risk of GBV is heightened, particularly for women and adolescent girls.
Учебное пособие по оказанию психологической помощи лицам, подвергшимся сексуальному насилию
во время вооруженных конфликтов. В этом руководстве даны рекомендац...и по работе в первую очередь с женщинами и девушками, которые пострадали в результате сексуального насилия. Однако мужчины и юноши тоже подвергаются сексуальному насилию, и это часто очень сложная тема для разговора. Руководство можно адаптировать для работы с мужчинами, пострадавшими в результате. Этот тренинговый материл составлен для тех, кто оказывает помощь и поддержку женщинам, которые подверглись гендерному насилию и получили сексуальные травмы во время стихийных
бедствий, войн и конфликтов. Мы надеемся, что он будет полезен и для тех, кто работает с проблемами гендерного насилия в других условиях. Отдельный модуль тренинга необходимо посвятить работе с детьми (мальчиками и девочками), которых подвергли гендерному насилию.
This report provides insights into the prevalence of belief systems and gender norms among young women and men in the region. It looks in depth at the most entrenched beliefs and behaviours among the younger population and provides ample evidence that we must challenge and change the prevailing beli...ef systems and gender norms if we are to make real progress in guaranteeing the right of all women and girls to a life free from violence.
This document seeks to enhance the attention of the people and governments of the world to the effects of mental health problems and substance abuse on the social well being and physical health of the world´s underserved population.
Gender-based Violence Area of Responsibility Working Group July 2010
As part of the new strategy preparation, USAID/Senegal requested assistance with a gender assessment. This study was conducted from March 20 to April 11, 2010. It was supported jointly by the Women in Development Indefinite Quantity Contract (WID IQC) Task Order 1 ShortTerm Technical Assistance and ...Training (STTA&T) and the USAID/Senegal mission. In addition to conducting a literature review, the team made site visits in the cities and towns of Dakar, Thiès, Kaolack, and Tambacounda and villages near each of them. These offered examples of key gender issues in Senegal, including gender disparities in access to education, unequal allocation of land and other productive resources, and gender-based violence (such as domestic violence, female genital cutting [FGC], and rape), as well as examples of USAID/Senegal‟s programming to address these problems.
Actions, Gaps and the Way Forward
Pandemics and outbreaks have differential impacts on women and men. From risk of exposure and biological susceptibility to infection to the social and economic implications, individuals’ experiences are likely to vary according to their biological and gender characteristics and... their interaction with other social determinants. Because of this, global and national strategic plans for COVID-19 preparedness and response must be grounded in strong gender analysis and must ensure meaningful participation of affected groups, including women and girls, in decision-making and implementation.
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
This new edition highlights once again the importance of collecting disaggregated data to conduct gender-based analysis in order to determine, address, reduce, and eliminate the causes of gender-related inequalities.
Вспышки заболеваний по-разному затрагивают женщин и мужчин, а пандемии усугубляют существующее неравенство в отношении женщин и девочек и дискриминацию других ма...ргинализированных групп, таких как инвалиды и лица, живущие в условиях крайней нищеты. Это необходимо предусмотреть с учетом различных последствий, связанных с выявлением заболеваний и доступом к лечению для женщин и мужчин.
COVID-19: Gender aspects
Protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights, and promoting gender equality
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